Boartusk Heights parking lot
La Muerte
71 Posts
Ooc — idle
open to paloma only

It had been approximately three weeks since Nivis was gone on and off; and it had been exactly ten days since Nivis officially distanced himself from the mansion and remained in the darkness of the woods, aside and at the borders of his and @Reyna’s shared territory. That amount of time was very much all needed for him to process all his thoughts and come to the conclusion of what needed to be done.

He wasn’t ready to be a perfect father, and he was never going to become a dad of any of his children’s dreams, but he was supposedly going to become more involved in the children’s lives, even if it meant greeting them with: “hi rats” in the morning. How casual.

Seemingly nobody understood what he was going through and him not opening up about his own feelings didn’t help anyhow. (At least, the drugged state of mind gave him the permission to trauma-dump to a drug-dealing stranger he would certainly approach as a client to buy more substances from, from now on).

Finally (in sacrifice to his responsibilities he didn’t know how to handle), ever since the pack was established, Nivis has been able to think his life through far away from everyone. So much had been happening, and he was ready to face the consequences of his actions; playfully though. There was nothing wrong with taking a break if too overwhelmed, and it has always been a strategy of his to run away from off-putting matters.

He needed to talk to Reyna first; ask how she was doing and visit the puppies. They have definitely gotten overly too big and more annoying to handle.

It wasn’t like Nivis was going to become a better person; not at all, actually. He just felt refreshed and full of energy to cause more drama and come back stronger to spend some time alone with the love of his life in the confines of their shared den.

All fun and games, big plans and all, it was, until standing in front of the building and yawning despite sleeping for days straight. Hunger made him see trees twice and eating something was the second thing he wanted to do the most now. Then the future twist came and @Paloma stood in front of him, dragging an eye roll out of him.

She seemed upset; how unexpected. Nivis soiled her garden not only once.

If it ain’t Paloma all by herself. Long time no see. Glad to know you are not dead yet. What is it this time?

are you lost my little lamb, reyna?
in my heart perhaps? 

nivis is rated mature
reyna is welcome in all threads
La Muerte
A Handmaiden's Tale
25 Posts
Ooc — Vamikins
I'm not alone, Nivis. She sneered, her nose wrinkling at the sight of their Patriarca. The only one who had been keeping to themselves was him. It seemed the fuck boy Reyna loved so much (yet Paloma couldn't understand why) still was having trouble with the idea of growing up and having responsibilities- like a pack, a mate and children, for instance. 

No matter. It seemed Reyna had found someone else to occupy her time. Someone who just at the very sight of would be easy to tell could whoop Nivis' thin ass. 

Finally come back to actually fill your duties? Paloma snorts.