Boartusk Heights [ffm] [m] luna rosa
La Muerte

170 Posts
Ooc — bon
Pack Activity 

Mature Content Warning

This thread has been marked as mature. By reading and/or participating in this thread, you acknowledge that you are of age or have permission from your parents to do so.

The participants have indicated the following reason(s) for this warning: bloodletting, ritual selfharm. warning now as this will be in the thread.

rise. levantarse. her voice cuts through the night of festivities, ushering silence in the gathering circle. they have had their fun, and filled their bellies. now, though, duties must be upheld.

she beckons the pair of newbloods to join her underneath the summer moon. @Paloma sits at her side, boar tusk and bowl already prepared.

she waits for the pair to be seated, silent before she may begin.

backdated to june 21st bc full moon was 4 days ago lmao. attn: @Soleon @Basìlio, time for your rank selection! other members are free to post after them! decided that feast of full moon threads will be marked "[ffm]"! ill be making a new thread/entry soon for that. this takes place after the actual feast though, so if you'd like to open up a thread for it feel free to do so!
[Image: Illustration460.png]
nivis is welcome in all threads
reyna is rated mature
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39 Posts
Ooc — Decay
the moon is high and full.

beneath its pale glow sits their matriarch, and she is breathtaking.

he has not forgotten the night they shared. he hopes, soon, they might share another. 

but for now, he keeps his expression void. he need express his feelings towards her, for she surely knows it without the need for an added display.

before her, he places himself, posture firm and unmoving. 

there, he waits; eager for what comes next.

"Common" | "Spanish"

(Please note: He is not fluent in english; thus he speaks minimal common and mostly spanish.)
97 Posts
Ooc — Impala
To say he was intrigued by what had taken place tonight was an understatement. There was food that had been brought. Soleon had last minute pulled limbs of berry bushes apart to lay them aesthetically around the meat.

His tongue wrapped around his inky lips as he found him standing in front of the matriarch. Reyna fascinated him. She was such an oddity.

His eyes lingered to the reddish woman, Paloma, that sat nearest her. She, also, piqued at his thoughts.

He felt displaced as though he were in a whirlwind.

Soleon had spent a number of days building his reserves. Not more than what could possibly be needed to reduce waste when his precious herbs began to wither, but enough to keep ample supply for at least minor health inconveniences.

What was next?
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La Muerte

170 Posts
Ooc — bon
with the pair at the ready, reyna begins. there was no use in waiting for nivis.

you have proven yourself to be strong, knowledgable, and most of all dedicated to the kingdom of La Muerte, in such a short time of being here. first, she turns to soleon. upon your first day, you immediately set yourself to work, and have done a mighty fine job at maintaining not only your stocks full, but kept my ills at bay, allowing me to continue my duties as painless as possible.

she turns to basilio.
tu has estado a mi lado desde que llegaste. has demostrado que eres formidable, confiable y leal a La Muerte. desde el primer momento en que llegaste y guardaste nuestras fronteras, deseé acogerte a nuestro reino. sabía que podía tener fe en ti y en tu fuerza para mantenernos en paz.

the both of you have proven yourselves as worthy. she speaks in common for soleon, and spanish for basilio now.
please, tell me, what do you wish to be? what role fits you best?

"you have been by my side since you arrived. you have proven yourself to be formidable, reliable, and loyal to La Muerte. from the moment you arrived and guarded our borders, i wished to embrace you into our kingdom. i knew i could have faith in you, and your strength, to keep us in peace."
[Image: Illustration460.png]
nivis is welcome in all threads
reyna is rated mature
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39 Posts
Ooc — Decay
what role fits you best?

basilio hums in thought, but there is little to truly consider. he knows where his place is.

or, at least, where it can be.

for now.

he answers with confidence; ease. como guerrero. guardián. y, algún día... líder. should the latter even be existing option.

"Common" | "Spanish"

(Please note: He is not fluent in english; thus he speaks minimal common and mostly spanish.)
La Muerte
A Handmaiden's Tale
36 Posts
Ooc — Vamikins
The man of cream and coal was incredibly massive. She did not think shr had ever seen a man so large in all her life. So many of her bloodline were tall, thin, willowy, fitting the role of a sleek and smooth vampire well. It was obvious, he was different. 

Same as Soleon, who her pale lavender gaze flickers to now as she sits proper at her Mistresses side. His uniqueness was more in his coating, then stature. He was such a very sweet and pretty thing, wasn't he? Tonight she might finally have a taste. 

Reyna speaks and Paloma's attention remains on the two men while her ears were swiveled into her Mistresses direction. When she began to speak in spanish, the handmaiden quickly and quietly slipped to Soleon's side, relaying her words with a whisper to his ear. 

Once more, she flutters to her Mistress, arching around her backside until seating at her other side. Her eyes flutter up to Basìlio - leader? Her Mistress certainly did impress. Her eyes dance to the boar tusk then. Paloma had used her teeth and tirelessly pushing back and forth on rock to sharpen the tip well. They would bleed effortless this night.
97 Posts
Ooc — Impala
The wolves that took home in La Muerte were different. They belonged primarily to the shadows. Soleon had majorly shifted his 'hours of operation' to be more suitable to their needs. Often, he rose in the early to late evening and wandered the halls of the kingdom seeking where he may be needed.

Even if they were not atypical and belonged to the night--they still belonged to the shadows.

Reyna addresses himself and another male. Basilio. There was something different about the large male. Soleon had never conversed with him. He wondered why he only roamed with hush tones of the same tongue Reyna and Paloma mixed in. He had begun to register only certain words of the foreign language.

The light shines on him now. Reyna is essentially congratulating him for a job well done, in her own way.

What does he want?

Reyna had mentioned she would someday seek a Shaman. He wasn't qualified yet. He knew that. Accepted it, even, and there was a hesitancy. He felt as though something was still misunderstood by him. He had no idea. But what use was he to the kingdom that had offered him respite if he would not even attempt to indulge in all of their ways?

"I would like to further my knowledge of your ways. I think that would be good. I am always learning how to be of good medicinal use, but I told you I would do more...even if that means stepping outside of myself. I'd like to become your Santa," the holly jolly bastard he couldn't resist. The word rolling off of his tongue only as a repeat of what Reyna had spoken to him many nights ago.

She addresses Basilio too. Paloma falls from the pedestal only barely beneath The Matriarch and she translates for him. He is thankful. Also, she smells nice.

He doesn't miss the looming of a particular word that seems to linger in the air. He looks to Paloma and sees her eyes have fallen on the male now too. It sounded like leader, but he could never be certain. Not until it was explained to him. Perhaps he would ask the handmaiden later.

Now he quietly sits, waiting, wondering what is next. These people are strange--ominous almost. Yet, he was eager to know the practices of the cult. 
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La Muerte

170 Posts
Ooc — bon
both men held high aspirations — one much higher than the other, so much that it cocked a brow from the matriarch. but her smile never falters, and with their aspirations spoken she can begin.

with the flick of her wrist, she gestures to paloma to hand her the materials. the boar tusk was perfectly sharpened and the woman prepares herself.
her heart pounds, braced for the shot of pain as the sharpest point meets with flesh but does not yet split it. a deep breath, and crimson droplets spray across the dark rock before dripping into the bowl. the wood stains, even with one use it'll remain red for as long as it desires. she places down the tusk, and feels as the pain begins to numb before ushering paloma to get something to clot her wrist, her eyes shutting firmly to brace the last of what she will spill for this month. when it stops, the matriarch is slow to open her eyes once again — eventually, this will be easier. luna da sus bendiciones. reyna utters beneath ragged breath as she dips a paw into the bowl. with one, slow swipe, she paints her blessing first across soleon's forehead. la luna da sus bendiciones. after one more dip, she repeats the same, meticulous motion across basilio's. she waits until it dries and clumps their fur.

you must keep these blessings on for three days. otherwise, you will be punished — not by i, but by the moon herself.
she repeats the same to basilio.
[Image: Illustration460.png]
nivis is welcome in all threads
reyna is rated mature
join La Muerte!
39 Posts
Ooc — Decay
the blood of their matriarch clings to fur upon his head, and he quivers. not in fear, nor disgust. but in delight. for the first time since the moon of his birth, he feels as though he belongs. 

and it is here, in la muerte, that he will finally bring true purpose to his life. 

remaining still and sharp-eyed, his attention does not waiver from reyna. 

he waits. watching. listening.

"Common" | "Spanish"

(Please note: He is not fluent in english; thus he speaks minimal common and mostly spanish.)
La Muerte
A Handmaiden's Tale
36 Posts
Ooc — Vamikins
Paloma moves quick, gathering first the bowl and then the sharpened tusk and placing it before Reyna's feet before stepping back. She readied herself to be ushered again and this time she brings moss and a stink wrapped around it with cobweb. First she soaks the blood off her wrist up with the moss, to get the majority of it. Then grabs the stick and sweeps her head, rubbing onto the wound a bundle, which easily got stuck onto the clotting blood. It would help the wound dry up, as well as keep away infection with its antifungal properties. 
When her Mistress blood is given to her new chosen into the fold, Paloma vibrates with an excitement, shifting about restlessly in her placement as she quietly watches the ending of the ritual take fold. 
97 Posts
Ooc — Impala
If someone had told Soleon he would be wearing the blood of another wolf on his head for three days and referring to them as blessings he would've told them: uh, bullshit. Yet, there he stood. Letting his Queen press her bloodied paw against his head.

He was motionless, amazed, concerned, and yet he had wanted this. Wanted to learn. Wanted to prove he was in this for the long haul.

He was proving this to himself now.

She speaks plenty of foreign words that he does not understand but contemplates the meaning they do carry. It helps that Reyna carries herself with the perfect disposition as a ruler. She is quick, thorough, and intentional in all things that she does.

His eyes turn to Basilio and he watches as Reyna does the same to him. Basilio is almost eager for it, however. There was a certain connection that went above loyalty. Soleon considered the immense loyalty Basilio carried for Reyna and Nivis to so avidly embrace this moment. How noble of him!

Soleon would have to try and observe him. See what he could do to attempt his level of servitude.

"Thank you," You did thank someone when they bled on you, right?
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La Muerte

170 Posts
Ooc — bon
sorry for my delay! muse has been very low. last one from me!

she glances between the men, nodding as soleon thanks her for her gift. of course you thank someone when they've bled on you, what else could you say?

with one final smile, she dismisses the newly declared, and carresses her injury once their eyes are off of the matriarch. perhaps she'll have to revise the ritual, eventually, to be less painful.
[Image: Illustration460.png]
nivis is welcome in all threads
reyna is rated mature
join La Muerte!