karma police
sorry for party rockin'
133 Posts
Ooc — Emy
Hello, fellow pack mates! Any and all are welcome! Let's get our muses juiced up with the board's reopening ^_^

The thing he'd like best about the Plateau when it had been his, and the thing he liked most about it still, was the wide open spaces of it all. It smelled of freedom and the promise of a life well spent...the melody of winds whistling across it a siren's song for all things wild at heart. And wild his was.

As a fresh face with neither affiliations nor authority to occupy his time Ax had little else to do but drink in the land that he'd been to inept to own. Admitting his failure had been a hard first step to take but he'd done it anyway; his audible confirmations merely an attempt at grasping at ways to end his embarrassment. It hadn't worked yet...but he hoped with a few more sleepless nights it might.

Regardless he looked fresh faced and eager as he abandoned his humble hole in the ground (he of course skipped the labor intensive portion of house hunting and shamelessly went right back to his old abode) and stretched away his crampy muscles. A casual snort of the air let him know there weren't any pack mates lurking nearby to welcome him into the fraternity and so he set off all by his lonesome...his memory already recollecting the trail that led to the pack's quaint watering hole.
<font style="font-family:helvetica; font-size:12.5px; color:#4B0082;">Each of us can only deal with what’s in front of us.</font><p><I>Avatar by STEVIE!! :)</i>
561 Posts
Ooc — Sam
ooc: here I am again!! ;)

She walked lazily, scoping out her lands. So much time had been spent digging out a bigger den and at her new altar that she had not yet traveled all of her lands. It was a decision on a whim that today would be the day.

As she walked, she noticed the creamy silver male from far off. She picked up her speed a bit (in excitement) to catch up to him.

Hawkeye pulled up alongside of her new sigma. "Hello, Ariston." She smiled sideways at him. "You seem to know your way around these parts. Have you lived here before?" Were you a part of the Dragonwatchers? was truly what her question implied, and she wondered how she would react if it were a "yes"; he was a kind-hearted wolf, and she could see Koontz bearing down on him and tossing him around with her rude ways.
sorry for party rockin'
133 Posts
Ooc — Emy
Hello there =D

The laxness of his shoulders was vanquished by the thrum of footsteps against the soil behind him. His muzzle pivoted, throwing a glance toward the unidentified stranger, and he at once smiled upon the recognition of Hawkeye as she closed the gap between them. "Howdy, Hawkeye," he returned with a brief bump of his snout's tip to her sable shoulder to complete their initial greeting.

But it was not leisurely conversation that brought them together that morning. She opened the floor, though with a touch of slyness, by inquiring more exact details of his past than he'd revealed at their first encounter. He felt trepidation for a moment...wondering if perhaps an honest answer would turn the pleasant expression on her face sour. Unfortunately he wasn't much of a liar and such risks were simply part of life.

"I did," he answered with a tight nod. "I created the Dragon Watchers alongside Koontz...she was supposed to be my little protégé. She was a dear friend." Why he felt the need to clear that up, rather than fuel suspicions of a deeper relationship, was a mystery to him. "But the position was too much for me to handle at such a young age. I grew sickly with the pressure and, with winter promising my death in such a state, I left back for home to recover." He refused the temptation of a melancholy sigh and instead braced himself for the reaction of his ambiguous leader.
<font style="font-family:helvetica; font-size:12.5px; color:#4B0082;">Each of us can only deal with what’s in front of us.</font><p><I>Avatar by STEVIE!! :)</i>
561 Posts
Ooc — Sam
So, the male had been close to Koontz. What did she do now? Banish him? No, she couldn't do that. He meant no harm and had no idea of her and Koontz's relationship; if he had, he most likely would not have requested to join her pack, an enemy of his "dear friend".

Enjoy him while you can... Sos slithered into her ear and a shudder traveled rapidly down her spine.

"I see," were the words she spoke on the matter, not wanting to disclose the turmoil from the past. "Ariston, tell me about yourself." As she had stated to Ariston before, she was usually strictly business, which meant that she did not allow room for small talk. Maybe this time would be an exception.
sorry for party rockin'
133 Posts
Ooc — Emy
Although utterly oblivious to the inner workings of Hawkeye's mind the crème blotched wolf was definitely getting the sense that something he said wasn't quite what she wanted to hear...though he didn't have enough sense to know what element of his story had offended her. But the femme was lenient on the matter, gracious even, and her displeasure was an unspoken mystery.

He knew better than to press it.

"I grew up in a land much warmer than here," he began with a nostalgic, empty stare at the trail before them. "I'm the eldest of first time parents with only three sisters to call my siblings. Each of us, save the middle child Anna, left for the new world when we hit a year old. I imagine they've already paired with someone...except for perhaps Elene. Her farts smell like mustard gas." A titter of laughter bubbled up in his throat as his memory relived the noxious fumes that had plagued their litter bed. "Nah...I'm sure she found someone that loves her despite her tummy troubles." He smiled then.

"I like long walks on the beach beneath the full moon and feeling the wind in my hair," came his final, albeit spontaneous, cliff notes.
<font style="font-family:helvetica; font-size:12.5px; color:#4B0082;">Each of us can only deal with what’s in front of us.</font><p><I>Avatar by STEVIE!! :)</i>
561 Posts
Ooc — Sam
The midnight wolf fought off laughter at Ariston's humor. "Well, if you love your fur being tousled, my good friend Pied lives near the beach. Maybe we can go visit her together sometime." Oh, man, did I just ask him on a date? No, that didn't sound like a request, did it? Wait, why am I arguing with myself?

She took a deep breath and slowly let it seep from her mouth. "I understand now why you are so gentle and kind, with all of the women in your life." Her voice softened with a certain fondness engulfing it. "And I suppose you do not have a mate, for she is not here." Hawkeye wondered if he knew what she was on about. She felt like a crazy lady.
sorry for party rockin'
133 Posts
Ooc — Emy
Sorry for that pause in our little spree! I got distracted with graphics xD

As far as the timeline between Pied, Ariston, and Hawkeye the only thing I can think to do is:

Ariston joins (zoot suit riot)
Ariston and Hawkeye share company (karma police)
Pied and Hawkeye interact (eyes of another)
Ariston meets Pied (anytime)

"A beach?" he echoed back with a note of curiosity in his voice. He was aware of their existence but had never ventured far enough to see one himself. Negligence to do so, not fear, was the reasoning behind his lacking experience. "I'd love to see one," he admitted after a quaint pause filled their conversation. Whether he was being asked out on a date or not he took the offer with gratitude.

"Well to be honest I don't think I would've fared well against them had I decided to act any differently, "he quipped jokingly. "Girls fight dirty! And they're good at insults." A wry grin pinched his lips and he gave his alpha a sidelong look at her final sentiment. What was she getting at? Not that exchanging the personal information ruffled his feathers or anything.

"Not even close," he chuckled mildly. "I don't suppose there's a mister Hawkeye wandering the territory huh?" It seemed fair to redirect the inquisition back at her.
<font style="font-family:helvetica; font-size:12.5px; color:#4B0082;">Each of us can only deal with what’s in front of us.</font><p><I>Avatar by STEVIE!! :)</i>
561 Posts
Ooc — Sam
ooc: That timeline sounds good to me, that is what I was hoping for. Hawkeye is terrible at flirting

Hawkeye chuckled at his commentary on females fighting dirty. "I bet if we play fought sometime, you'd be the one dirty fighting!" She accused with laughter filling her voice while nudging at Ariston. She felt different -- normal around the unfamiliar male.

After a moment's pause he shook her head at the question he shot back at her. "No, no Mr. Hawkeye here. I don't suppose you would be interested." She had meant it as an amusing remark, but found herself looking away in a bashful nature.
sorry for party rockin'
133 Posts
Ooc — Emy
Ax hasn't really been field tested for flirting ICly xD

"Well I have to win just once in my life," he said laughingly. "Or maybe at least have a draw. I'd rather not be sent crying to my mother because some girl hurt my feelings again...I mean it's only been a month or so since the last time that happened." The latter bit was said with good natured humor.

The manner in which the floor was opened up to him took him by surprise. Audits splayed in a gesture of confusion but he was keen on the delicate way in which Hawkeye turned her face away; it was a truly girlish thing to do. He sensed she was in a precarious place, her feelings vulnerable, and he smiled as he stood and bumped chummily with her shoulder to shoulder. "I think you're a beautiful woman," he answered. "And charitable. After all you give strangers such as myself a home. You must be strong...since you're leading a pack. That was something I wasn't even close to being able to do." There was a point to his ramblings. "What I'm getting at is that I would be interested with enough time to know you. And you given enough time to know me."
<font style="font-family:helvetica; font-size:12.5px; color:#4B0082;">Each of us can only deal with what’s in front of us.</font><p><I>Avatar by STEVIE!! :)</i>
561 Posts
Ooc — Sam
She looked back to the sandy-colored male, mouth parted in both surprise and curiosity. The key-lime orbs had been complimented a thousand times by the looks she received, but never had anyone openly called her beautiful; she had always been a large beast, bigger than most males. Though she would not consider herself charitable just because she gave him a home. She needed numbers, and she preferred males since she had grown on the tail of her older brother.

She blinked a few times and then quickly nuzzled Ariston's neck, backing away as soon as she had touched him. "Where were you headed before I bothered you today?" Since he knew the land, maybe he could show her a few things.
sorry for party rockin'
133 Posts
Ooc — Emy
The matter between them seemed to be over as quickly as it had began. He smiled at the nuzzle and felt reassured that his words had fallen into place exactly as he'd wished. She had not misunderstood and he had not undermined any line of authority between them. Things were settling back into their natural place...and he felt relieved that their morning together was not cut short by wounded hearts.

"Well there was a watering hole up ahead that I used to visit in the mornings," he mentioned with a step forward that was meant to prompt her into following. "It's fed by a minor tributary from the mountains alongside us so it's always good and fresh. I guess somewhere in its origin is a pretty sizeable body of water since it would occasionally surprise me with a fish or two as well." As poor a hunter he was he was surprisingly an avid fisherman; thus the reason his body didn't appear prepped for a malnutrition documentary.
<font style="font-family:helvetica; font-size:12.5px; color:#4B0082;">Each of us can only deal with what’s in front of us.</font><p><I>Avatar by STEVIE!! :)</i>
561 Posts
Ooc — Sam
Hawkeye felt a strange admiration of the male. "I knew I let you into the pack for a reason -- tell me now that there is also buried treasure somewhere. A pile of bones, maybe. There has to be something else besides this secret watering hole."

She looked at his face, peering into his kind gold eyes, but noticed the silver to his pelt and the wildness in its length in the corner of her eye. He was an interesting sight to hold, and the raven female felt as if his look perfectly matched his personality.
sorry for party rockin'
133 Posts
Ooc — Emy
"I couldn't get the pirate king to hand over his treasure map," he chuffed jokingly. "But rumor has it that all you've gotta do it look for some giant 'x'." He was confident that the leader would know the difference between fact and fiction as well as possessing the sense that he was not mocking but teasing.

Extended silence between them gave his memory just a bit more time to recollect additional details he'd noticed in the short duration of his first residency. "Oh!" he exclaimed after a moment of contemplation. "That mountain pass to the east of us...Porcupine Ridge I believe is what everyone calls it? There's a narrow pass that opens out into the wooded area of our territory. Koontz and I noticed a few different herds of mountain sheep using it to graze on the shrubbery before scaling back up into the safety of the rocks." Whether they hibernated/migrated/flew into space for winter was beyond him...but it seemed important to tell Hawkeye regardless of the season.

set by Emy

<font style="font-family:helvetica; font-size:12.5px; color:#4B0082;">Each of us can only deal with what’s in front of us.</font><p><I>Avatar by STEVIE!! :)</i>
561 Posts
Ooc — Sam
The dark she-wolf let out a puff of air in laughter. "Maybe you're the pirate king and are hiding yourself among my ranks. You are dashing enough." She nudged the male playfully, trying her hand at flirting. It felt like a success.

At the news of a pass and the possibility of more food, the female straightened and became serious once more. "Thank you for the information, Ariston. It would be excellent if the sheep still resided there, even if it's a low chance. Maybe we can hunt together today if they have not changed homes." The news he had given her pulled a small rush of excitement and she picked up speed a bit. She was glad that she had given Ariston a home; he was useful and friendly, everything an Alpha would desire to have.
sorry for party rockin'
133 Posts
Ooc — Emy
"I am a pirate prince," he huffed with cheerful indigence. He rebounded from the nudge and chuffed at his companion. "If no one knew about them since I left it's likely they haven't been driven away by hunting," he reasoned as they continued their stroll. Prey animals didn't typically abandon safe homes - minus the compulsion of migration - so he was pretty confident that they'd find evidence of their existence.

The muted sounds of running water made his relinquish a sign of relief. He'd been parched to begin with...all the added chatter had only exacerbated the issue. He pressed on until the sharp gleam of the sunlight's reflection upon the tributary's surface nearly sizzled his retina...the internal scream of his agony materialized with a single, manlier snort of indifference. Blinking to overcome his temporary blindness he padded to the water's edge and began lapping up the chilly liquid. "I could take you out to scout there sometime," he mentioned in lieu of the potential hunting trip before continuing with his drinking.

set by Emy

<font style="font-family:helvetica; font-size:12.5px; color:#4B0082;">Each of us can only deal with what’s in front of us.</font><p><I>Avatar by STEVIE!! :)</i>
561 Posts
Ooc — Sam
Hawkeye nearly grinned at Ariston's silly personality. She enjoyed the upbeat presence; being alone filled her with agitation and glowering, and this was like a breath of fresh air.

The midnight wolf snapped her eyes shut from being blinded by the sparkling water and let her instincts kick in for guiding her to the pool of freshness. She wondered if Ariston had also been pierced by the sneaky reflecting gleam.

His offer made a flutter appear in her chest. It sounded like a date to her, and she looked to him as she lapped up the cool liquid. Swallowing, she nodded. "I would enjoy that greatly, Ariston." She tried to be as appealing as possible, but knew nothing of such things.
sorry for party rockin'
133 Posts
Ooc — Emy
Closing out on this! Let me know when you're ready for their scouting thread ^_^

"Sounds like a deal then," he said smilingly before finishing the final few slaps of his tongue against the water. His lifted head and watched as a droplet of water abandoned his chin and sent frail ripples across to the distant shore. He hadn't planned on acquiring company during his morning commute and was thus spinning his wheels in an effort to find things to say...his overall thought process concentrating heavily on interesting things to say.

He had nothing. A big ball of nothing.

Fearing that perhaps Hawkeye's impression of him might turn sour if he opened the floor with questions of the Dragonwatchers Ariston's audits flicked backward in a soft apology. "I believe I'm going to explore around the outer territories today," he said. Truthfully he was hoping to uncover a few stones about Koontz from the locals...but he didn't think that information necessarily needed to be handed over. "Let me know when you're ready for that scout trip for the herd!" he called out before turning and cantering off for the borders. It wasn't perhaps the romantic send off the alpha might've been pining for but Ariston, who wasn't entirely sure what she wanted from him, was none the wiser.

set by Emy

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