Bearclaw Valley there's no time for fairy tales
Atâtak Atsanik
918 Posts
Ooc — Kuro
Any idea what happened to your first post? :o

Acting standoffish towards the other male had, regrettably, crossed the Inuit's mind several times before. In the end, however, he'd chosen to take the opposite path. Though the love confession he'd witnessed had set him on edge, he believed the Roman when he'd said he would turn those feelings into a type of brotherly love. Some might call him a fool for doing so, and even crazy for being okay with him joining their pack, but he couldn't bring himself to take a low road. The silver man was a friend of Scarlett's, as well as a fellow protector of her. Turning him away or acting terrible towards him wasn't something Kove would ever allow himself to do. He needed warriors, like Raziel, around at all times, as he knew there would be times when he would need to leave the territory. During those times, he needed to know it wasn't just Adlartok looking after the albino, as he knew the injured boy could only do so much (and probably didn't come off as being very threatening anyways). When it came to scenarios like that, he was actually glad the other had a sense of love towards the crimson-eyed woman, as it made him certain he wouldn't allow her to ever fall in harm's way. All the pale wolf needed to do was look at the glass as being half full, rather than half empty.

The question caused the memory to appear fresh in his mind, as if it had only happened moments prior. He hadn't liked seeing the woman as she was that day. “She becomes dangerously irrational,” he informed the other, not a single trace of amusement in his features. “She had seemed as if she was trying to take down an elk on her own not too long ago because she was starving. I'm just glad I came across her when I did, or else who knows what could have happened.” Even now, Kove worried over what could have happened. Cervines of all kinds were dangerous when under attack, and their kicks could be just as deadly as the fangs of a wolf in his prime. Wishing to no longer dwell on such worrisome things, he opened his ears to listen to the other speak again. It would be nice to hunt, and also good to work on filling their caches. “I Wouldn't mind a good hunt,” the man responded, glad to have received the offer. It would be good for him to stretch his legs some more, and better learn the ways of the prey in the valley for future reference.
Messages In This Thread
there's no time for fairy tales - by Raziel - March 15, 2015, 10:18 PM
RE: there's no time for fairy tales - by Kove - March 15, 2015, 11:30 PM
RE: there's no time for fairy tales - by Raziel - March 16, 2015, 10:19 AM
RE: there's no time for fairy tales - by Kove - March 16, 2015, 03:27 PM
RE: there's no time for fairy tales - by Raziel - March 17, 2015, 01:10 AM
RE: there's no time for fairy tales - by Kove - March 19, 2015, 01:44 AM
RE: there's no time for fairy tales - by Raziel - March 24, 2015, 04:12 AM
RE: there's no time for fairy tales - by Kove - March 28, 2015, 05:08 PM