Sea Lion Shores I'll Close My Eyes
Memories are a mark from experience, Without those marks you are only a shell.
127 Posts
Ooc —
{ooc: Hope you don't mind but I want Lacinia to make an attempt, or a gamble. who knows what will happen xD.}

The coast has become a point of interest for Lacinia. If there was nothing to do she would just follow the coast and watch the sea. It wasn't long until she discovered strange creatures she had never seen before. She stood on top of a boulder that allowed her to see their numbers. They didn't smell nice at all, it was hard to want to stay here. It wasn't enough to beat her curiousity, she wanted to learn more about them. It was up to her to collect information for herself since she can't seem to find anyone willing to stick with her.

Analyzing them from a distance was easy. These beast are clearly slow but their trade to that was that they were large. Lacinia have already understood that layers of fat protects the sensitive nerves that she enjoys stabbing with her claw, making it meaningless to toy with them. Her hunting techniques wouldn't work very well either. She goes for quick killing blows by the neck, mainly by piercing them with her fangs. Even if her chances of killing one was low, she still wanted to know what they were capable of, and even what they tasted like.

She wasn't hungry enough to try to pull off something crazy but a snack was welcome. She scaned the whole group with her eyes. There was one that stood out a bit compared to the others, actually it stood out alot. A wolf among them? Did that mean they weren't hostile? If that was the case, she could get close and take a bite out of one. That would give her all the wanted information but what was a wolf doing among them? Before thinking about she decided that it would just be better to make her move now and approach the closest creature.
Messages In This Thread
I'll Close My Eyes - by Muirgen - March 29, 2015, 04:48 PM
RE: I'll Close My Eyes - by Lacinia - March 31, 2015, 06:56 AM
RE: I'll Close My Eyes - by Muirgen - April 19, 2015, 02:08 AM
RE: I'll Close My Eyes - by Lacinia - April 21, 2015, 04:39 PM
RE: I'll Close My Eyes - by Muirgen - April 28, 2015, 01:01 PM