Blacktail Deer Plateau mine was a religion and happiness was a fact
563 Posts
Ooc — Stevie
You know i no mind!

Harlyn felt relief at the gentle kiss he planted upon her forehead.  It was nice in itself just to be touched by him in such an affectionate way, but it also served as a reminder that she wasn't completely fooling herself by pursuing him like she was.  She couldn't be certain, but she often wondered what was going through his mind.  Sure he liked her - he'd proven that with his manhood plenty of times.  But did he feel what she did?  Did he see his future when he looked at her, like she did with him?

He smiled at his offer to help, only grinning broader when he asked what sort of moss it was she was searching for.  Luckily, she wasn't searching for any particular type as she wasn't certain he'd even know what she was talking about if she did specify one type of moss of another.  "Just any kind that's nice and thick," Harlyn explained, "It's good for pressing into wounds to stop the bleeding."
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RE: mine was a religion and happiness was a fact - by Harlyn - April 03, 2015, 05:12 PM