Blacktail Deer Plateau mine was a religion and happiness was a fact
marrow of the spirit
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Ooc — Ku
sorry this is crap. :/

Smiling to himself as she agreed it would be lovely, Mordecai tore another strip from the mossy growth at his feet. Only then did he heard the note of surprise in her tone as she called after him again, this time drawing his attention readily. He looked upon her curiously, listening carefully as she spoke of another Ostrega in their midst. Of a sort, anyway, though he had little intentions of going near the Spine if he could have helped it.

"Chakra's my brother," he said with a nod, though it had been a long while since he had seen hide or hair of his sibling in years. And Youmi, Mordecai couldn't recall if he had met her at all, but knew that she had been Julooke's sister. Verrine's mate. But this association did not bring about the sadness that he was inclined to feel. "Guess it's a small world after all," he added absently, thinking back over the smattering of siblings and their offspring that had spread to the Wilds. Mordecai did not know what to think of it all.

"Can't say that I've met Lotan though. I knew my brother had children, but I don't recall having met any of them." Chakra had always been about as absent as Mordecai had become to the sprawling mesa of Sedona; his meetings with his elder brother were far and few between.
[Image: warrior_master.gif] [Image: gamekeeper_master.gif]
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RE: mine was a religion and happiness was a fact - by Mordecai - April 16, 2015, 07:07 PM