Blacktail Deer Plateau mine was a religion and happiness was a fact
marrow of the spirit
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He nodded — Lotan would indeed be his nephew. Whether or not they had the opportunity to cross paths was another story altogether, though Mordecai did briefly entertain the thought of seeking him out. Yet the desire to steer clear of the Spine altogether was enough to vanquish that notion; what was done, was done. He had made the decision not to return to its doorstep any time soon and wouldn't, especially if he could help it. He wouldn't out rule it entirely of course, because who knew what circumstance would bring to any of them in the future. But in the present, right then and there, he found he would not let family draw him in towards what easily could become a thorny situation. He had enough of that to last him quite a while.

As for the remainder of his family, the mention of Viggo also smashed through some of his desire to let the past be the past. He did not know when, or if, he would see his littermate again... thought their upbringing was more unconventional than anything. "No, not quite. It's complicated, really. Viggo and I grew up together, almost literally at the same times. He's my eldest brother's — Syntax's — grandson, believe or not." And though he spoke like Harlyn would know who these wolves were, he knew that she didn't. Meeting them would always be off the table in his mind. "Syntax is pretty old. At least to me, anyway," he added thoughtlessly, chuckling.
[Image: warrior_master.gif] [Image: gamekeeper_master.gif]
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RE: mine was a religion and happiness was a fact - by Mordecai - April 27, 2015, 07:26 PM