Blacktail Deer Plateau mine was a religion and happiness was a fact
marrow of the spirit
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Ooc — Ku
at times yes, but i am usually full of it lmfao. MUST HAVE CONTENT OR SOMETHING.

He snorted, shaking his head at the concept of him getting lost with another chuckle. "Impossible. You can't get lost if you don't know where you're going in the first place." And though it was funny to say that for the implications, for him it was truth. Mordecai did not have the notion of being lost. And perhaps lost wasn't even the right word for it; he couldn't pluck down the word that would have fit better if he had wanted to.

As his own mirth ebbed away, he shifted his gaze to what they were beginning to gather. "Have you figured out a cache for these things yet? There's a few good little caverns across the territory that I don't think are in use. I could show you them, provided you aren't concerned I'm going to walk us off a cliff on the way."
[Image: warrior_master.gif] [Image: gamekeeper_master.gif]
Messages In This Thread
RE: mine was a religion and happiness was a fact - by Mordecai - April 29, 2015, 11:55 PM