Blackfeather Woods In Times of Rage, Voices Cloud the Mind
187 Posts
Ooc — Rain
@Ayana  :D

Blackfeather woods was darker than usual. The hauntingly beautiful territory was always shadowed, but with the grey clouds above his home was even more alluring. A tension tainted the air as well and humidity clung to his fur. Grim could tell that it was going to rain soon. His lip lifted in a scowl. Rain. He didn't really enjoy having his coat soaked, though the layers of fur protected him from the harsh weather for the most part. Not to mention he dried fairly quickly. It was just... uncomfortable. Like how walking through a river that only came up to your stomach wasn't the greatest feeling in the world. 

He was hunting for Lusa. She always seemed hungry with their pups growing inside her. It wouldn't be long now before they were born. Grim was overly excited even though he knew the pups wouldn't be up and about for a few weeks. He gazed to the right with his nose to the ground as he walked. The den she was in wasn't far from him. He never strayed too much. Not since promising her he wouldn't leave. It made him wonder if she was annoyed with him yet. A grin spread across his muzzle. How he loved her. Even the simplest thoughts of her could fill him with adoration. He would be eternally grateful that they found each other. He sighed. It was strange being in love. All his life he had felt nothing but the need for blood. This relationship was the complete opposite of everything he had known. But it had been good for him.

The scent of a deer caught his attention, pulling him from his thoughts. Slowly he sniffed along the trail in an attempt to figure out in which direction the deer was headed. If it strayed too far then he would have to find something else. But it seemed that the path was curving around towards his mate. He wonders if she would spot it before him, but Lusa wouldn't be able to attack it. Her belly was too big to allow her much movement. 

Another scent mixed with the one he was following. He could tell it was a female wolf. Just a hint of the scent of Blackfeather clung to it. Was the wolf a new member? A lot of wolves came in and out of this place it seemed. Grim didn't understand it. This territory was too fascinating, too captivating. He could never leave it unless forced to. That made him wonder who was still around. He would have to ask Lusa about it. See if she knew what wolves made up Blackfeather now. But what if this was an intruder? Anyone could pick up pack scent just by rolling on the territory line. Should he investigate? Perhaps not. His hunt was more important. If he came across the wolf, then he would confront her. But for now he'd stick to his task.
Messages In This Thread
In Times of Rage, Voices Cloud the Mind - by Grimnir - June 29, 2015, 12:52 PM
RE: In Times of Rage, Voices Cloud the Mind - by Ayana - June 29, 2015, 01:18 PM
RE: In Times of Rage, Voices Cloud the Mind - by Ayana - June 30, 2015, 02:06 PM
RE: In Times of Rage, Voices Cloud the Mind - by Ayana - July 09, 2015, 05:43 AM
RE: In Times of Rage, Voices Cloud the Mind - by Ayana - July 20, 2015, 09:38 AM
RE: In Times of Rage, Voices Cloud the Mind - by Ayana - July 23, 2015, 04:48 AM