Blackfeather Woods In Times of Rage, Voices Cloud the Mind
127 Posts
Ooc — Sarah
A wolf. Definitely. Her heart shrank. This time wouldn't be as easy and lightweight as her meeting with Lusa. She felt some kind of weird tension that mixed with the penetrant scent of a male wolf.
Ayana clenched her teeth and she could feel her neck hair raise. Subconsciously she growled a little, which surprised her. It had been a while since she last felt really threatened, although she didn't know if there was a reason to feel scared now. The last male she met, Burke, was really sweet. Impressive, but kind of funny considering his behaviour, she thought.

Ayana picked up the scent again so she decided to quietly follow it. She didn't know whether the wolf noticed her or not, but she was too curious to simply ignore it. The coat of the rather light wolf made it seem a little awkward, though: hiding in a dark forest with a coat as light as ginger was harder than she expected.

However, the female didn't give up. She didn't really care anyway. The male would probably turn out to be as gentle and somewhat boring as Burke. Slowly she could feel her muscles relax again. How stupid she was to be so overly scared by a scent.
She started to trot a little, the soft wind that appeared was cooling her down a little which she really appreciated.

Suddenly she could see him. Taller than she expected. He seemed like he didn't notice her. He was probably a little bit silly. Ayana stared at him for a while, while she was deciding about her next actions. Would she stay hidden or should she just indroduce herself to her pack mate, who still seemed to ignore her?
Messages In This Thread
In Times of Rage, Voices Cloud the Mind - by Grimnir - June 29, 2015, 12:52 PM
RE: In Times of Rage, Voices Cloud the Mind - by Ayana - June 29, 2015, 01:18 PM
RE: In Times of Rage, Voices Cloud the Mind - by Ayana - June 30, 2015, 02:06 PM
RE: In Times of Rage, Voices Cloud the Mind - by Ayana - July 09, 2015, 05:43 AM
RE: In Times of Rage, Voices Cloud the Mind - by Ayana - July 20, 2015, 09:38 AM
RE: In Times of Rage, Voices Cloud the Mind - by Ayana - July 23, 2015, 04:48 AM