Fishblight Mire guess who's back, back again
132 Posts
Ooc — Kat
She woke to find herself alone. Reggie yawned and stretched, then went in search of water. After slaking her thirst at a small brook, she began to wander in a random direction, biding her time until Shardul came to collect her. It was tempting to head west, toward the plains, in search of her mother and brother. Yet she belonged to the big cat now.

Eventually, she drifted down toward a bog. A bright figure caught her eye and the fur along the coyote's arched spine prickled. Then Regipre realized it was only a fox and she relaxed somewhat. Hiraku? she thought, squinting. She tipped her slender snout into the air. There was a filthy stench this close to the wetland, yet she could just pick out the fox's scent. It wasn't Hiraku; it wasn't even a male. Reggie blinked at the vixen.

Unsure whether or not she wanted to interact with the little red beast, Regipre made no sound, nor did she call attention to herself in any way. She just stood there, watching as the fox picked her way toward the edge of the mire.
Messages In This Thread
guess who's back, back again - by Autumn - November 25, 2015, 11:19 PM
RE: guess who's back, back again - by Regipre - November 25, 2015, 11:51 PM
RE: guess who's back, back again - by Autumn - December 05, 2015, 11:21 PM
RE: guess who's back, back again - by Regipre - December 10, 2015, 03:07 PM