Sleeping Dragon but stars burn out, my dear, and everything golden dies
gubraithian fire
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It was settled, then. A weighted silence passed, though Thuringwethil broke it by asking about Wildfire's stay so far. The yearling's lips twitched faintly. Now that the commander had eaten, she should rest. They both should get some sleep, now. But Wildfire doubted she would sleep at all, with this new burden on her shoulders. They were facing not just a fight but a war... and she was possibly their one hope to avoid combat entirely.

"I've been taking it easy, though I got out a little bit once my ribs stopped hurting so much," Wildfire answered distractedly. "Obviously," she added with a quiet laugh, the dead rabbit evidence enough of her activities. She fell silent for a few beats before her amber eyes squinted through the darkness and she admitted, "I missed you." As the words left her mouth, she wondered if that was as inappropriate and out of place as it sounded to her own ears. She shifted, suddenly uneasy, hoping Thuringwethil didn't think she was a total weirdo.
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RE: but stars burn out, my dear, and everything golden dies - by Wildfire - April 18, 2016, 08:08 PM