Blackfoot Forest Chaotic sacrifice [MATURE]
2 Posts
Ooc — Eoran
[Image: qoyd60.jpg] [Image: 312ehlj.jpg] [Image: 21l97xz.jpg]

Sun, blood, water and purification. Glimmering between sunlight the hopes of ray had moved and shifted for a while, little movement conveyed and eyes were blinking slowly, catching the rays of sunlight as it came and shifted - disappeared to night. The blood was flowing, the whored had lasted and pleasured, the fitting mechanisms slowly awakening as man could barely feel himself alive. The other half of what used to be was gone, left him, destroyed and petrified for all eternity. Felt the half somewhere and alive, maybe not well, maybe injured as he. Convey, hurt, purify their souls.

His purpose of earth as a plentiful GOD had always been easy, non-mistakable and without doubt or question. He could not be alive for he simply was. The night was above him, the stars were not out and the moon shy behind clouds. His temporarily home was not of his pleasure, he could not feel satisfaction for this was not his paradise, this was not the world he had built or the heavenly beauty he had created. This was destruction, pain and disgust in material form. The white god lifted his head quietly and with no other motion or displayed emotion.
Nena overshadowing pairing to his heart was not so easily quenched with stench of whores in the land. Temptation not too large for him to forget the scent and protection that had been provided. He rose in darkness, so bright and clean his fur would shine in this complete darkness that it appeared as if a small moon had landed on earth. He never hunted in this thick darkness for he was too easily seen, yet never had had the need to deprive himself from combat. The man had seen many fights, yet had no visible scars to show from it. He wore a confidence and calm unlike most, secure in his place on earth it was more than mere alpha presence that shrouded him. Believed to be god by many, there was no denying that he was more than simply confident in himself. He knew his purpose and his righteous ways, being wrong or flawed had never appeared as an option to him.

Slowly he walked in the treacherous land, moss softening every step and giving no sound of his pacing. Few other white wolves would be as clean as the man before them, for he took great care to his fur, not for the sake of vanity, but the past and ill of his history held secrets in being dirty like no other. He had once dirtied himself as a child, hidden in the undergrowth with his sister, eyes wide, scared and on the lookout. They had run away again, scarce on resources the other half of him hid under him, hungry, tire and longing for security. The mud and swampland were the only means of hiding in the darkness now, they had rolled in it to cover the whiteness, for days they had run from the monster in the dark.
Days without food, though old enough to hunt neither dared to slow their pace in the swamp. But they could not keep it up. He had held his breath under the bushes as pacing and footsteps passed them. He was here. The monster, the fear, the nightmare. They trembled, they hid and they were found. He was dragged out, did not fight it, squealed and cried to leave his sister be, to kill him instead if needed be. Met with nothing but laughter as the monster smashed his head into a rock. The world started swinging, could not hold focus on what happened, but he heard her screams. Nena.. His sister. He slowly rose, tried to focus his eyes, but what met him was more than a nightmare.
Monster. On top of her. She cried, he moved and thrusted into her. Loath stiffened. He had never fought back, always taken the beating for her, always let him quench his lust on him, let him live out these sadistic needs to his body rather than hers. He touched her. It was the last day the man ever felt fear, it was the day he outgrew the monster and attacked with vicious force and killed his own father for his sins. It was the day he became god of purification. He became known as Loath.
Never since had his fur been dirtied, for he could not stand the memory of it.
His love for his sister overruled those of earthly laws, they had always had an understanding unlike any other, it was as if they read each other’s minds, they had never left the other’s side, not until the fall of his heaven and she had been taken from him. His love would conquer all, the world and heaven all to find his sister.
To him this land was nothing more than disgust as if goo and shit stuck to his paws, this he was used to and he walked past it all, slowly reaching toward a territory he had found on his search, his head lowered toward the trail before lifting once more. The water he passed was murky, lured with its own filth. It had rained earlier that day and the water drops of the trees were landing in the soft moss below, giving no sound as the moss took it as a sponge. His cold and neutral eyes were searching and never resting as he kept his pace along the border, waiting, searching.
Please be sure to understand that this guy WILL see visions and things not there, yet never give away he does so. Just to avoid confusion. Also should I mark this mature?
Messages In This Thread
Chaotic sacrifice [MATURE] - by Loath - August 09, 2016, 11:28 AM
RE: Chaotic sacrifice - by Síff - August 09, 2016, 09:00 PM
RE: Chaotic sacrifice - by Loath - August 10, 2016, 01:16 PM
RE: Chaotic sacrifice [MATURE] - by Síff - August 10, 2016, 09:20 PM