Blackfoot Forest Chaotic sacrifice [MATURE]
2 Posts
Ooc — Eoran
Will mark the title! Also I’m sorry that is not my intention. Also a lot of thinking going on, but would appreciate no ooc knowledge goes into ic.

The filth of the trail grew thicker, darker until it turned black and thick. It did not slow him however and his eyes were focused, fixated as he simply strolled through it. The man had seen worse, burning flesh, breaking bones, and the malice of torture. Had he not once ripped the tongue from a wolf to silence the blasphemy that was cried of a warlord and tyrant? That he would never rule, that he would never grow. How wrong he had been, how silence he had become. The man found great pleasure in just how wrong he had been. The clarity of sins had not overcome him as he built his paradise from nothing short of him and his sister. They were all that founded the pack and they were all that was needed. Petrified had the world been when they rose out of the marshland and into mainland. Their numbers grew drastically with the extra room and shortly after they made claim to the wolves of the deserts.
No one had been safe from the god of destruction, beauty and all of its glory. He was all, merciful and merciless when righteous in his way. He could pretend sympathy but actually held none to those not deserving and he knew who deserved. Yet all here were sinners, they were all making a living from chaotic worship. They knew no other options and deserved no punishment, they knew of no other way than this and how else could they help it? They only knew what they had and this was all they had before he arrived. There was no sin in not knowing and he would bring them more than mercy, the good kind would be rewarded, healed and saved from what this land had done to them. Healed from the outside to the inside he could restore peace to their broken hearts and it was exactly what he planned to do. Heal the broken hearted.
Did he have a broken heart for the loss of his sister? The other half of him, the stars to his moon, the rays of the sun and the only love that existed? No. God did not have broken hearts, for he knew she was out there, knew she too was half of whole, she was searching and she looked for purpose. She would come to him, she would look for him and this purpose was given.  Doubts or creeping thoughts of betrayal had never existed to a god, he was beyond it and he knew his sister – she lived for him and she had praised him as the god he was since he had protected against the monster in the swamp.
He would stay – here. Wait. Find the ugly and heal it.
”Can I help you?”
She had not hid her arrival and he had chosen to stand still when she approached, simply watching her as she came to him. White – pure imposter of her, nothing short or less. Disgusting taint, filthy bitch or the color, never before had he seen such impurity in this color and he remembered seeing many of them, and seeing them covered in their crimson true colors as he delivered justice to their sins. You shall be mine. He wanted it. He wanted this creature for his taking and he would deny any other until his sister came to him. He could turn this – disgust to beauty. She was shorter and broader than the man, and her fur thick like she came from the artic lands. The man himself had warm fur for the cold, but it was not wide and made his body slimmer than most other wolves of his species. His legs longer, making him appearing taller, his face sharp and pointed, ears not rounded but like arrowheads. He was better in any way.
”I fear not.” Her tail was raised, her head lifted and ears pointed forward in clear showcase of dominance. The man knew this stance, he had broken it apart so many times before when taking what was rightfully his. He had never himself used this stance, his head was simply high and ears forward without no intention of scaring the woman. His tail was hanging relaxed without movement and his eyes neutral to her, simply looking at her with no expression. His mind though knew that she should be claimed for him. He would turn her into his, he would make her beauty again and turn the ugly from her. She would be saved, she would plead to him and lay below him when he chose to. She was alpha and did not recognize him as one – yet. Did not matter. She would see, she would learn him as GOD or die in her sins. He could see it already, tempted by her white fur to make an opening in her belly, pull intestines out, gnaw and chew them to spill every filling on her fur, cover her filthy body in makeup.
She would be dominated she would love him for it to the very end. She became the reason for him to join, to prove point home, to give her what she fully deserved yet did not know she deserved. He could be kind or he could be cruel.
”I can help you” It was not a question, not even a remark but mere conclusion to the situation, he looked toward her eyes and there was no challenge, no malice or cruelty in them, but the wish to help the wounded. She would see it as friendly, as someone being helpful, but he knew. Knew that she needed saving but was not ready to hear it yet, not ready to be told of her own imperfections, she needed time, healing. She had been hurt in the past for who hadn’t? How recent he did not know, but the man knew that she would need him and he would make sure to be there at any given moment she needed him. She could turn into beauty, and he would show her how.
Poor man shield had not given in yet. She would cry and plead for it to end, she would bleed through it all, but come out on the other end as her potential would guide her. She was nothing and could never be the other half, but she could become. She could live if she would listen and listen carefully. Or did the whore need a mask of makeup?
Messages In This Thread
Chaotic sacrifice [MATURE] - by Loath - August 09, 2016, 11:28 AM
RE: Chaotic sacrifice - by Síff - August 09, 2016, 09:00 PM
RE: Chaotic sacrifice - by Loath - August 10, 2016, 01:16 PM
RE: Chaotic sacrifice [MATURE] - by Síff - August 10, 2016, 09:20 PM