Neverwinter Forest i need breakfast before i face this shit
the oath
207 Posts
Ooc — Siro
bad, bad rian. xD

The rapid pitter-patter of small paws against the earthen floor caught the Syrian King's attention, his ears perking atop his skull, only for his left ear to twitch and splay to the side at the heaving breath that was taken. He didn't look up from his breakfast as he continued to tear and chomp on it in an extremely unbecoming manner that probably would have gotten him scolded by his mother if she'd been present. She wasn't, as far as Rian could tell, and so he continued to eat like a little monster: with an utter disregard for manners. He assumed that the approaching footfalls belonged to one of his siblings and hadn't bothered to look up. Thus, he was thoroughly taken off guard when the voice that came from the other small body nearby did not belong to one of the O'Malley brood. Startled, for a moment, Rian looked up at his cousin, as the younger boy's question finally sunk into his head as he swallowed the mouthful of meat he'd gobbled up. Salmon pink tongue stained with crimson blood slid across his jowls to clean his muzzle up a bit as he regarded Cypress and the look the younger boy gave him.

All at once it filled him with something that he didn't quite understand to be guilt: torn between wanting to tell the truth but not wanting to let Cypress down in the process. They were not his kill. In fact, what he had intended to kill had slipped expertly from his amateur paws and that was why he was here in the first place, scarfing down the breakfast that he'd only wanted to be able to contribute to. Lying was bad. Rian knew this. But what would it really hurt? Cypress had sort of made the assumption to begin with could he break the truth when his young cousin was giving him that look? Rian just wanted to be a hero, even if the accomplishment wasn't his to claim. Still, the guilt and consideration of right and wrong wasn't enough to stop the eldest O'Malley son from saying: “Yeah, I did it.” With a slight puff of his chest, though his heart beat sped up as the lie spilled from his lips. He bit down on his bottom lip softly, half expecting someone to come flying out of the den or bushes and scold him for lying to Cypress.

He felt a slight pang of guilt but he waved it away. “You want somma mine?” Rian offered the younger boy, gesturing invitingly, hoping that by offering to share his breakfast it would offset the bad deed of the little white lie he'd spoken.
As ruthless as it all may seem the wild cares not for the weaker beings.
Messages In This Thread
i need breakfast before i face this shit - by Rian - August 25, 2016, 01:36 PM
RE: i need breakfast before i face this shit - by Cypress - August 29, 2016, 01:30 PM
RE: i need breakfast before i face this shit - by Rian - August 29, 2016, 02:43 PM
RE: i need breakfast before i face this shit - by Cypress - August 29, 2016, 11:24 PM
RE: i need breakfast before i face this shit - by Rian - August 30, 2016, 03:08 PM
RE: i need breakfast before i face this shit - by Cypress - September 11, 2016, 02:38 PM