Neverwinter Forest i need breakfast before i face this shit
288 Posts
Ooc — KJ
I adore him! Cypress is very, “Notice me, sempai!” right now.

Astonishment turned swiftly into hero worship as Cypress watched the fearsome hunter tear into his kill and lick his lips in a devastatingly roguish fashion. The two Frostfur boys had tried their hands at hunting, both solo and as a duo, and had thus far been wholly unsuccessful. Cypress’ eyes were round and luminous, just the faintest tendrils of yellow beginning to make their way through the sea of milky blue, and his blunt muzzle formed a soft “o” of wonder. Part of him was a bit jealous; just one of the rabbits was nearly as big as the stocky puppy, but he had taken down three. “Whoa,” breathed the starry-eyed raven prince with feeling. The hunting, killing instinct burned in his young blood, but he was still too young and clumsy to really participate in such activities. So great was Cypress’ adoration, it seemed to cast Rian in a heroic spotlight that turned every small thing the O’Malley boy did into an act of inimitable valor.

Licking his lips at the prospect of sharing the hero’s kill, Cypress nodded vigorously — and then he remembered to employ his Good Manners. “Yes, please’n thank you,” he said before inching closer still, his whiplike tail wagging so hard the inertia encompassed his hindquarters and threatened to divert him from his course. Excitedly, “Whassit like?” asked the younger boy with unabashed admiration. “Didja hafta chase it for — for ever?” Time was a fleeting, confusing phenomenon that Cypress didn’t fully grasp, but he knew forever to be a terribly long time. Tomorrow was a hazier concept still. “Are you a — a cousin?” he asked, trying to impress the earthen-toned hero with his burgeoning vocabulary. Truth be told, Cypress didn’t understand that idea either. As far as he could figure, cousin meant puppy who is not your brother. In that case, maybe Lucy was a cousin, too.
Messages In This Thread
i need breakfast before i face this shit - by Rian - August 25, 2016, 01:36 PM
RE: i need breakfast before i face this shit - by Cypress - August 29, 2016, 01:30 PM
RE: i need breakfast before i face this shit - by Rian - August 29, 2016, 02:43 PM
RE: i need breakfast before i face this shit - by Cypress - August 29, 2016, 11:24 PM
RE: i need breakfast before i face this shit - by Rian - August 30, 2016, 03:08 PM
RE: i need breakfast before i face this shit - by Cypress - September 11, 2016, 02:38 PM