Swiftcurrent Creek Yay, Water. [IC Joining]
539 Posts
Ooc — summer
Yay! Thanks for letting me in. I have a small problem though, I don't know exactly what the terrain looks like. Is the river in the middle of an open meadow?

Star stood in the field. She was glad of the feel of grass under her paws after living in the mountains for a while. Her paw pads had gotten tougher for the rocky sides of the mountain and bits of gravel, but she bet that if she'd grown up here her pads wouldn't need to adapt. They'd be as soft as a rabbit's pelt. She had enjoyed the journey and she had finally found the place Peak had said her parents had talked about. The Teekon Wilds. She was glad she'd left her strict, mean, father who had ignored her half the time. It'd been obvious he'd never wanted pups. She wondered where her sister, Moon, was. She'd been there when Star left, but maybe Moon had left soon after. Moon's sister had left, so why wouldn't she? Star hoped that one day she would maybe see her again. They had been good friends and sisters. Star had been independent on the trip hunting and never staying in one place for more than two days. It had taken only half a month, and here she was. Behind her was some mountain, in front of her was a river in the middle of a meadow(I'm guessing) and a lake at the edge of her vision. Hopefully the pack leader would find her a helpful addition to the pack. Star wanted so badly to be able to hunt for others, to protect, to be seen a great strong role model. One day.
Messages In This Thread
Yay, Water. [IC Joining] - by RIP Star - June 12, 2014, 10:36 PM
RE: Yay, Water. [IC Joining] - by Bazi - June 13, 2014, 01:11 AM
RE: Yay, Water. [IC Joining] - by RIP Star - June 13, 2014, 02:15 AM
RE: Yay, Water. [IC Joining] - by Bazi - June 13, 2014, 02:29 AM
RE: Yay, Water. [IC Joining] - by RIP Star - June 13, 2014, 02:35 PM
RE: Yay, Water. [IC Joining] - by Bazi - June 14, 2014, 04:05 PM