Ankyra Sound See I got friends inside, it's my birthday tonight
340 Posts
Ooc — Rebel
Others began to congregate, likely drawn by the clear fury in Wylla's public summons for the pallid trouble-maker within their ranks. As far as she could tell, most if not all of her pack-mates shared a tendency toward curiosity - herself, most of all. This was a good thing, she supposed. Perhaps it meant they were in safer hands, knowing that others would not be far when something worth investigating cropped up within or around their home. 

Or, more simply, Wylla's assumption was right: they were nosy bitches.

With the arrival of the Alpha's wolf of interest, followed closely by a pitiful Ingram who appeared at his sister's flank, the agouti Ostrega made to cross the sand and fit herself among the gathering. You fool, she thought inwardly with a backward cant of her raven-tipped ears as Arrille presented himself without appropriate submission to a wolf who evidently wanted his hide. Nyx lowered her tail and crown accordingly as she joined the group, sure to keep her distance from the blue-eyed yearling who calmly and collectively asked what the problem was. She certainly didn't want to be in the firing line of their leader's eruption.

With fierce purpose in her stride, Caiaphas swept forward to assert dominance over the boy, lunging to grip his muzzle between her fangs and force him downward. She been expecting this, but had not expected Chusi to step in alongside their troubled comrade to support him. Doubting very much that Wylla would look upon this move with approval, she found herself momentarily holding her breath. Although she liked him well enough, Arrille was a rather slow and inexperienced youth in her opinion - the humility could be beneficial for him in the long-run, if anything good were to come of it. A harsh lesson, but one that he needed to face.

Wylla did not attack physically. Instead, she rounded on Arrille with a ferocious snarl and sharp words, while Nyx looked on from the sidelines.
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RE: See I got friends inside, it's my birthday tonight - by Nyx - February 26, 2018, 04:29 PM