Whitefish River tonight i'll have a look and try to find my face again
219 Posts
Ooc — xynien
It takes him a few moments to process it all. Evergreen has said many things over the past few minutes, and Winterbourne had been prepared for none of them — least of all that last revelation. There are so many things to consider here, it's dizzying. When he finally speaks, his voice is slightly tremulous. I... don't know what to do. I'm scared, too. I — people say it's wrong. For guys to like guys. Like a disease or something, or a curse, I don't know — I don't want to hurt you more if it is. But —
He swallows hard, then coughs harshly and abruptly. I-I know I hurt you by avoiding you. It hurt me, too. I thought it was... what I should do, but it felt wrong. More wrong than liking you feels, he amends quietly to himself, feeling suddenly repulsed by this hidden truth as he realizes how much it would hurt his companion. He wonders, then, why he clings so tightly to a belief that would both wound and condemn the only wolf who has offered him any sort of stability since he left his birth home. But he doesn't have time for that stinging thought, not now. Right now is about Evergreen, and... whatever is going on between them. I don't want to do that again. I — what do you want? The question is gentle, his clumsy way of trying to be attentive to Evergreen's needs.
Winterbourne's voice is low and raspy due to a throat injury during his childhood, and it can sometimes be difficult to understand him.
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RE: tonight i'll have a look and try to find my face again - by Winterbourne - October 20, 2019, 11:44 PM