the eagle is rome
<span style="font-family:georgia; font-size:12px;"><i><FONT COLOR="#90ee90">t</FONT><FONT COLOR="#88ef97">h</FONT><FONT COLOR="#7ff09e">e</FONT><FONT COLOR="#76f1a5"> </FONT><FONT COLOR="#6df3ac">e</FONT><FONT COLOR="#64f4b3">a</FONT><FONT COLOR="#5bf5ba">g</FONT><FONT COLOR="#52f6c1">l</FONT><FONT COLOR="#49f7c8">e</FONT><FONT COLOR="#3ff8cf"> </FONT><FONT COLOR="#36f9d6">i</FONT><FONT COLOR="#2dfadd">s</FONT><FONT COLOR="#24fce4"> </FONT><FONT COLOR="#1bfdeb">r</FONT><FONT COLOR="#12fef2">o</FONT><FONT COLOR="#09fff9">m</FONT><FONT COLOR="#00ffff">e</FONT></i></span>
2 Posts
Ooc — Tokio
this is so hard, omg. i am literally crying, i miss my aer baby. ;-; also most of this (if not all of it) is like useless fluff. xD

Elysium. The name for the final resting place of the heroes of all the tales he had been told shivered down his spine. Despite the conscious realization that he was no longer living he held a corporeal form, or at least, he felt solid. He had been in Elysium, not a complete paradise, but the faces that dwelled in it were unknown and familiar. Unknown because it was a vast realm, and familiar because he was with his uncle Romulus, and his Grandfather Sinistra, his brother Crete, Fayre…and the numerous others he had lost along the way. There was both a sense of peace, twined with a sense of unrest battling for dominance within Aether’s stomach as he stood in these unfamiliar lands, pale blue eyes seeking, taking in the brilliant colors of fall another time, when he had contented he would never know them again, would never again feel the slight chill on the breeze that signaled to those that winter would follow in autumn’s wake, it’s spice-like aroma tickling his nose and pleasing his senses. Death had not come painless for Aether, though he had been extremely careful to never let the excruciating pain of his final hours show, not to his hoard of children (those that remained within Seahawk at any rate) and never to his mate March Owl, whom he loved, even now…even beyond her world…as he had when he had been but a child --though, he had loved Fayre, of course, he had always, in a somehow different way loved March Owl, and Aether had never regretted it, or their mound of children (that he had presumably lost count of, lol). The opium and all the painkillers he had consumed to ease the pain in his last hours had done nothing for the fire that had burned through him.

Koontz. One of his few and rare daughters had came to this place, and she had not been alone. Ray, was with her, too, and there were probably a few of his other children roaming about, surely. And his grandchildren, Isi and Phoebe’s. The acceptance of that, even in death, was still a hesitant thing for Aether to willingly grasp, but who was he -- who would have otherwise been the world’s biggest hypocrite -- to stand in the way of that enigma called love?

There was a small pond not too far away, though Aether did not feel thirst or hunger, pain, hot or cold, he padded towards it, absorbed in that nagging curiosity that was naturally apart of his being. Silver, blue eyes took in the slightly rippled reflection that stared back at him. He was still scared, but he was not grey with old age, did not look tired. No, he looked…young. Felt the same sense of immortality he had felt back then -- except in the case it was probably rather akin to true immortality since he was already dead. Aether could not yet understand his purpose here, rather all he understood was that it would not last long. Though it was eerie (even to him) to walk upon the earth and hear no sound he continued forward simply seeking as he attempted to puzzle why he was pulled from his place in Elysium.
Messages In This Thread
the eagle is rome - by Aether - October 11, 2013, 05:28 PM