Panther Park there's a humming in the restless summer air
22 Posts
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his name, his title are offered confidently. only now that her hunger is a forgotten thing does she swipe her tongue over her lips, tasting heady metal. she'll groom later, for now, the man offers something she can not yet name, something vague. she considers a moment, weighing the options she has before her. they are vast, but in truth the flame-swept is growing weary of traveling. 

"my path," she begins, "does not include becoming one of your many subordinates," a beat, and then, "if you can offer something more, than perhaps they could." she had been something, on the plains. respected, raised up. she wants it again, but all those that had sought to elevate her were now dead or scattered.
delicate in every way but one
god knows we like
archaic kinds of fun
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RE: there's a humming in the restless summer air - by Artemis - July 13, 2020, 09:33 AM