Ocean's Breath Plateau won't give pause until the blood is flowing
21 Posts
Ooc — Killi
She seemed pensive, thoughtful, perhaps a little sad. Such a demeanor began to make sense to him when she divulged to him that she had once lived by the sea. A different sea, though. Lovecraft raised his pale brows and gave a soft snicker. "Really?" he interjected, then fell silent to allow her to finish speaking. She described the place of which she spoke, its scent, its people. He wondered why she had been given cause to leave a place with which she was so familiar, but asking such a question at this early point seemed disrespectful, and he didn't want to uncover any pain which may lie in her answer.

Instead, he went for a more light-hearted query. "You can fish in the ocean?" he wondered mildly, his billowy white tail flickering as he peered back at her.
Messages In This Thread
won't give pause until the blood is flowing - by Lovecraft - November 26, 2020, 08:06 PM
RE: won't give pause until the blood is flowing - by Lovecraft - November 28, 2020, 04:13 PM