Ocean's Breath Plateau won't give pause until the blood is flowing
21 Posts
Ooc — Killi
Love swallowed his current mouthful and licked his muzzle, the fur along his lips tasting of salt and fish. I believe you, he told her softly. She had gathered the fish with such skill and gusto that there was no room for him to doubt her capabilities. 

It seemed his curiosity about fishing was clear to her. He listened intently to her advice, then nodded. If I tried swimming in this, I don't think I would last long, he admitted, chuckling and swishing his tail. I'll try the river, though. That was too good not to eat again. He had eaten his fill by this point, and there was little remaining of his meal, the fish reduced to a head and spinal cord, waiting dully on the sand to be carried back into the ocean. 

Where are you headed? he asked, watching her with unwavering silver eyes.
Messages In This Thread
won't give pause until the blood is flowing - by Lovecraft - November 26, 2020, 08:06 PM
RE: won't give pause until the blood is flowing - by Lovecraft - November 29, 2020, 07:00 PM