Stone Circle I learned long ago 'bout a better way of killing birds.
Trans Male -- He/Him -- Should be misgendered upon first encounter though
137 Posts
Ooc — Ryder
"I was not aware of that." Ethan replied. "I met a wolf here, Inkeri, who was not in a good state. She was frantic, searching for her sister who seems to be gone. I offered to help her but she found no point. So I asked her to stay with me, asking her to help with as I am expecting pups, but the real reason I asked this is so I can keep an eye on her and make sure she is ok." Ethan explained. "I am not sure why she would allow us to settle here if she knew you resided here, though the scent of your companion is often on her pelt, so I believe the 2 know each other." He told the wolf who was speaking to him. "My name is Ethan." He added.

Ethan is a transgender male so he appears to be a female wolf to those who do not know him. For realism all wolves should misgender him until he introduces himself.
Messages In This Thread
RE: I learned long ago 'bout a better way of killing birds. - by Ethan - August 07, 2022, 04:20 PM