my old friends become exes again [read only]
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615 Posts
Ooc — Chelsie
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She had made her way to the tide pools as the sun rose to burn off chilly fog, hoping for some divination. Her encounter with Pied had been unfortunate, but Jinx cared more for knowledge of the mottled female's intent than she did for the female's opinions. She had explained herself, and as far as she was concerned, the past was past. The tide pools would hold the answers, if Jinx had not lost the ability to read the future in them.

She arrived to find them turbid and unclean, sullied by the drawing out of the morning tide. An exasperated huff lifted her chest and turned her features downward into a sulk; she had been interested to see what she could see in the waters, and now she could see nothing but swirling sediment and pieces of crustacean shells. She seated herself heavily at the edge, grumbling an irritated growl through her snout, and looked instead to the ocean, hoping for her porpoise to reveal itself for the first time in months.

But the sea was unbroken, and instead Jinx's attention was snatched by a chortling snarl in the undergrowth of the rainforest in the distance. She gave one last glance to the tide pools as her ears twisted to face behind her, and with a resigned sigh, she hoisted herself up into the wary posture of an investigating wolf, and trotted tersely toward the edge of the foliage.

Hidden there was a sight she thought she would never see: a wolverine, cinnamon brown with a saddle, mask, limbs, and stomach of almost-black, staring directly at her with jaws agape in a mock smirk. But this wasn't just any bold-faced wolverine come to jape at wolves; this one's eyes weren't the characteristic beady black of a typical wolverine's.

This one's were icy blue, and distinctly luminescent in the shadows of the undergrowth.

Jinx stepped back with a growl, her hackles lifting into a fierce warning. What do you want, spectre? In response, the wolverine chortled again, its face contorting into something almost condescending. mind your manners, pup. Outrage filled Jinx and she snarled openly as her tail rose, flashing pink gum and tongue, but the wolverine seemed unperturbed by her display.

Perhaps you need some reminding of your place, wolf. In a flurry of short, snapping jaws and whirling wild wolverine claws, the creature cleared the underbrush and skidded onto the sand, forcing the wolf to drop her act and backpedal with her tail drooping to that of a cautious canine. Everything about Jinx screamed, get the hell away from me, spirit. Very well, it snickered its cackling growl, straightening itself with a grumble, as it was now satisfied she would behave.

Child of Darkness, your totem has left you. It no longer represents you, or rather... The parts of you guided by your totem are no longer there. They have been... Removed. This revelation dragged her jaws apart into an agitated pant of, what? as though she had previously been unaware that her compassion and her ability to think levelly, rather than on the instinctual wild level of a wild wolf, had been lacking. She was alarmed also at the concept of a totem being lost: such a thing had never been heard of, at least by her.

The wolverine appeared to read her mind and its body lifted with a satisfied snuffle. Do not fret, Child of Sos. He has sent me to remind you who you really are. I come to you as friend and guide, for you have at last found yourself. The wolverine was significant; it had been her father's totem, too, a creature of dark magic and cunning, which suited the new Jinx much more than the porpoise of balanced magic and compassion did. However, Jinx had never known her father, nor his totem; the significance was lost on her. Without any other communication, the wolverine turned and waddled away into the underbrush, and when the female cautiously trailed it, she found it had vanished.

Do not fret, Child of Sos. Had Jinx known Koios, it would have been a proud moment for both of them, the changing of a weak-willed porpoise totem into a strong-willed wolverine.

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my old friends become exes again [read only] - by Jinx - December 17, 2013, 05:27 PM