Redtail Rise i miss you on a train, i miss you in the morning
morning star
120 Posts
Ooc — roni
The wolf was swift in her approach and would have been quite unremarkable save for the vibrant mask of red that painted her face. She wondered briefly if it was stained with berries, but she could detect no sweetness in their scent. Only musk.

A saccharine smile was offered in responses to the growl, meltwater gaze meeting the sun-kissed shade of the other in brief scrutiny before her posture relaxed and her head dipped with an accompanying low wag of her tail. "Atelihai - greetings," she called over the short distance, not wanting to approach further lest this upset the bristling wolf more. 

If they spoke a northern tongue or not, Ulloriaq was not perturbed.

"I am not here to cause trouble - simply passing by," she continued after a heartbeat.  "Are you the chief of this village?"
"Common" // "Inuktitut"
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RE: i miss you on a train, i miss you in the morning - by Tulugak - January 30, 2024, 04:23 PM