Ocean's Breath Plateau got a dollar to my name and some hours to burn
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maybe a @Ghelan since i think they've moved close to the seal lodges now?

there was a new kid in town. sirmiq didn't see the new boy often, and when he did it was usually with a pale, sickly woman by the child's side. sirmiq himself thought of mama-number-two, how she was weak and ailing. how he wished for her to feel better. 

he hadn't gone through the effort of making any friends yet outside of his own siblings, but a gentle nudge of encouragement from one of his parents was all that was needed for the boy to step out. he walked over to where he saw the red-eyed child now, tail stiff as a board with rushing nerves, and gave a small chuff.
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got a dollar to my name and some hours to burn - by Sirmiq - May 28, 2024, 11:04 AM