Wild Berry Meadow If you keep on believing..
202 Posts
Ooc — talamasca
swinging her head in a boar-like fashion towards the small red bundle, she saw the puny shape of a young girl, and finally her instincts piqued. she lunged towards it; not to harm, but to grab and herd the child towards her, against her chest as if to hug her in a very rough embrace.

a few feet away lurked a man. zharille bristled when she saw him; he was low to the ground, creeping close to the girl from the other side. it was a wonder she had not smelled him, or seen him before this. however, he was earth-toned and crawling among the foliage in a way that was easy to miss.

the horomones in her body were in overdrive; it was fortunate for the lost girl that this was the case, though — zharille was more likely to cull them otherwise. for the man, this would prove to be a problem. zharille stepped over the girl so that she was made a bulwark between the two, and snarled.

the man — calling himself moss as he spoke to the girl — would be turned away for the sake of the girl. zharille reaches to snap the air with her teeth as a final warning. back off, her body said; mine screamed her teeth.
Messages In This Thread
If you keep on believing.. - by Nutuyikruk - June 19, 2024, 03:31 PM
RE: If you keep on believing.. - by Zharille - June 19, 2024, 04:11 PM
RE: If you keep on believing.. - by Nutuyikruk - June 19, 2024, 05:21 PM
RE: If you keep on believing.. - by Moss - June 19, 2024, 05:22 PM
RE: If you keep on believing.. - by Zharille - June 19, 2024, 05:30 PM
RE: If you keep on believing.. - by Nutuyikruk - June 19, 2024, 06:10 PM
RE: If you keep on believing.. - by Moss - June 19, 2024, 07:30 PM
RE: If you keep on believing.. - by Zharille - June 19, 2024, 07:36 PM
RE: If you keep on believing.. - by Nutuyikruk - June 20, 2024, 05:31 PM
RE: If you keep on believing.. - by Moss - June 20, 2024, 06:24 PM
RE: If you keep on believing.. - by Zharille - June 25, 2024, 05:19 PM
RE: If you keep on believing.. - by Nutuyikruk - July 02, 2024, 06:58 PM
RE: If you keep on believing.. - by Zharille - July 05, 2024, 11:02 AM