Profile of Dagur: Quick Facts

Played By: siv
Basic Info
Full Name: Dagur
Subspecies: Vancouver Island Wolf
Size: Medium, Athletic
Sex: Male
Gender: Male
Pronouns: He/Him
Age: 2 (August 15, 2022)
Birthplace: Stone Circle, Teekon Wilds
Subspecies: Vancouver Island Wolf
Size: Medium, Athletic
Sex: Male
Gender: Male
Pronouns: He/Him
Age: 2 (August 15, 2022)
Birthplace: Stone Circle, Teekon Wilds
Profile of Dagur: Details

— split left lip
— long healed bite wounds to his left ribs and shoulders.
— various teeth marks upon his legs from a coyote.
— a nick above his right brow.
carved from stones and oak, like his father.
grew into an uncanny looking young man who often moves in a slinking manner.
— split left lip
— long healed bite wounds to his left ribs and shoulders.
— various teeth marks upon his legs from a coyote.
— a nick above his right brow.
carved from stones and oak, like his father.
grew into an uncanny looking young man who often moves in a slinking manner.
Profile of Dagur: Additional Information
Registered on August 15, 2022, last visited December 09, 2024, 02:15 PM
Art Credits
avatar stock from Luemen Rutkowski / edits by siv
appearance ref designed by sanja / base by KFCemployee
banner from deimos
appearance ref designed by sanja / base by KFCemployee
banner from deimos
Dagur's Signature
experimental writing with this character