Ocean's Breath Plateau Our own little universe
But inside me, there is a light…
120 Posts
Ooc — Mantra
All Welcome 
All welcome; playing Pine and Sumac together

The gulls were in an uproar - a cacophony of shrieks and squawks, shrill cries that some would consider bothersome. Not 'Mac. Their clamoring was a melody, a sea shanty serenading the Mackenzie as he padded gently across the heating, coarse sand. One particularly curious bird, however, decided to descend a bit lower to inspect the party that had gathered beneath it: one large, dark male wolf, with four little ones in tow. At this, Sumac's demeanor immediately shifted, and a quick flash of his glistening teeth was enough to send the bird scrambling skyward once more. He would take no chances with the safety of his brood. 

As if it nothing had occurred, Sumac's easygoing expression and stride returned, and he laughed as he glanced over his shoulder at the four bundles of soft fluff that trailed behind him. Becoming a father had been the greatest gift of his life, and he sincerely hoped his girls would come to live their own lives as fully as his love was for them. He'd invited @Raindrop to join them, but he understood if she was absent from their party: after all, she had her own business to attend to, and perhaps she'd appreciate the moment of peace to herself.

Padding a little further, his gilded eyes found what he sought: a small tidal pool, formed by the recession of the tide. Perfect! He closed the distance and turned his head this way and that to examine the pool's contents. Sure enough, small critters of all shapes and sizes meandered in its still waters, waiting for the sea to return them to their wider world.

Looking over his shoulder once more, his deep baritone notes floated on the passing sea breeze: "Pine! @Ponderosa! @Angel Oak! @Silvertip! Come, come!"

He laughed again, eyeing the tiny world contained at his paws. He hoped his offspring would enjoy discovering it as much as he had.

Pine merrily skipped to her father's side, looking up at him with admiring evergreen eyes. What wonders would he show them today? Papa always seemed to be a wellspring of new adventures, as if he was a magician conjuring up shells, birds, and interesting rocks to dazzle them anew. 'Mac offered her a warm smile that encompassed his eyes, saying nothing before gently motioning to the pool with his maw. 

The girl's glittering eyes were drawn in the direction her father was pointing, and they lit up even more as she gazed upon the tidal pool. Small crabs, snails, urchins, even fish and other unknown things moved beneath it's glassy surface. A gasp escaped her tiny maw as she rushed forward, just to the pool's edge, gazing intently below.

"Look, Papa! Look!" she exclaimed, her tiny tail wagging furiously behind her.
…Even in the darkest night
Messages In This Thread
Our own little universe - by Sumac - June 28, 2024, 09:48 AM
RE: Our own little universe - by Ponderosa - June 28, 2024, 12:33 PM
RE: Our own little universe - by Silvertip - June 30, 2024, 11:57 PM