Northstar Vale JOIN: spontaneous me.
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46 Posts
Ooc — CJ
—> setting this after the BDP thread and before the founding thread!

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Though Hawkeye and Blacktail Deer Plateau didn't work out, it was definitely for the better. It forced Raheerah to scout further ahead and luckily enough for them, the Dragon did indeed find the paradise they had been looking for. It was a beautiful valley with a forest, a meadow, streams, hot springs, natural caves - it was everything they would have ever needed and more. The hot springs were definitely a blessing and Tenzin couldn't wait to try them out with Dawa. He wondered if the natural minerals and warm water would make her feel any better, or if they would only bring her pain.

He sat before one of them now, breathing in the faint smell of sulfur while birds chirped in the surrounding trees. This spring in particular had been his favorite so far. It was crystal clear, shallow, and bordered with flat, smooth rocks. Thin aspen trees grew around it with a large cottonwood set in the corner. There was a light collection of flowers spread through the grass until the pine and fir trees thickened, then the ground was predominantly fern and patches of beargass. His eyes were closed and he was muttering a low chant. Prayer was something he often tried to do as often as he was alone, and with Dawa, that wasn't often. It was the life he had chose though, and the one he would live out.

A stranger's howl shattered his tranquility and he perked up suddenly. Alerted, he scrambled to his paws and zig-zagged through the treed hurriedly to try and reach the stranger before Raheerah did. It didn't take the monk very long until he came across a lean, red-agouti. Tenzin calmed himself instantly, taking a death breath before approaching the stranger with a gentle smile. "Ah, friend. Hello. Thank the gods I found you before the Dragon did!" Laughing to dismiss the seriousness of the issue, Tenzin suddenly remembered that they had claimed the Vale for themselves. As a monk, he did not seek to dominate others; but he, Dawa, and the Dragon were still working out who would be what within their pack.

"Welcome to Northstar Vale. I am the monk, Tenzin. What can I do for you, friend?" They hadn't officially claimed the area but it was something Raheerah had been pressuring so strangers like this one wouldn't come wandering in. Their scent markings had been present, so that's what Tenzin assumed the wolf before him had been alerted by. He was relaxed in posture and calm in demeanor. The monk was a gentle soul and waited patiently with a warm smile for the male to speak.

Messages In This Thread
JOIN: spontaneous me. - by Douglas - January 25, 2014, 11:29 PM
RE: JOIN: spontaneous me. - by Tenzin - January 26, 2014, 04:01 AM
like punching in a dream. - by Douglas - January 26, 2014, 07:16 PM
RE: JOIN: spontaneous me. - by Tenzin - February 08, 2014, 10:26 AM