Otter Creek the slowest spark is a breather
54 Posts
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That's fine! Thanks for starting. ^_^

Having half her tail forcibly removed from her body seemed to have taken the fight out of Honey Badger. She spent her days resting, mostly because movement of any kind hurt. She kept it to a bare minimum, getting up only to relieve herself or scavenge for food. It was difficult for such a feisty spirit to be this indisposed, yet at least it gave her a chance to recollect some more of her memories. Dragging them up from the murk of her damaged mind was like fishing for great white sharks with a fifty pound test, yet somehow she did manage to reel in some facts from the deeps.

When she wasn't busy fishing for details from her own past, Honey Badger found herself thinking of tracking down Saena for another chat. Now that she could remember most things, the yearling could honestly say she did not recall ever feeling this kind of kinship with another canine. It was strange but she quickly stopped trying to quash it. In spite of her lonesome upbringing, she knew that wolves were social creatures and that, deep down, she wasn't meant for a life of solitude. Maybe Saena was the key to finally integrating into society, rather than going around and picking fights with the establishment.

The approach of another wolf scattered the yearling's thoughts. Suddenly alert, she rolled onto her belly and arched her head, ears quivering. Honey Badger did not yet jump to her feet, as doing so would entail a great deal of pain. Anyway, she was partially screened by brush. Yellow eyes watchfully tracked the dark stranger. The laid up yearling just hoped she would move on without noticing or disturbing her.
Messages In This Thread
the slowest spark is a breather - by Echelon - January 20, 2015, 02:45 PM
RE: the slowest spark is a breather - by Honey Badger - January 21, 2015, 10:25 AM
RE: the slowest spark is a breather - by Echelon - January 21, 2015, 02:28 PM
RE: the slowest spark is a breather - by Honey Badger - January 21, 2015, 02:44 PM
RE: the slowest spark is a breather - by Echelon - January 21, 2015, 03:02 PM
RE: the slowest spark is a breather - by Honey Badger - January 21, 2015, 03:29 PM
RE: the slowest spark is a breather - by Echelon - January 21, 2015, 04:42 PM
RE: the slowest spark is a breather - by Honey Badger - January 21, 2015, 04:58 PM
RE: the slowest spark is a breather - by Echelon - January 21, 2015, 05:13 PM
RE: the slowest spark is a breather - by Honey Badger - January 21, 2015, 07:36 PM