Whitefish River heavy snow fall wakes the neighbors
<strong>WARNING:</strong> Foul language used in threads!!
257 Posts
Ooc — Kara
Bindi was very interested when the male offered to possibly tell her were a few locations are located at. There was no way she was about to bring up Runt's Whitewater Gorge, because only she will hold that powerful information. Bindi wouldn't want some other soul to obtain such information, and then trade with the Spine for there own pack. No, Bindi would not tell a soul about Runt's place exept the Spine leader, the midnight wolfess was actually deciding whether or not to tell Fitz.

"Perhaps you can point me toward the Spine" she asked kindly, having no idea that the stranger once lived there also. The midnight wolfess was unsure what else she could ask him, so she waited to see if he would actually help her at all.
Messages In This Thread
heavy snow fall wakes the neighbors - by Mordecai - February 19, 2015, 02:05 PM
RE: heavy snow fall wakes the neighbors - by Bindi - February 19, 2015, 02:16 PM
RE: heavy snow fall wakes the neighbors - by Mordecai - February 19, 2015, 02:30 PM
RE: heavy snow fall wakes the neighbors - by Bindi - February 19, 2015, 02:43 PM
RE: heavy snow fall wakes the neighbors - by Mordecai - February 19, 2015, 02:53 PM
RE: heavy snow fall wakes the neighbors - by Bindi - February 19, 2015, 04:09 PM
RE: heavy snow fall wakes the neighbors - by Mordecai - February 19, 2015, 06:05 PM
RE: heavy snow fall wakes the neighbors - by Bindi - February 19, 2015, 10:28 PM
RE: heavy snow fall wakes the neighbors - by Mordecai - February 19, 2015, 10:50 PM
RE: heavy snow fall wakes the neighbors - by Bindi - February 20, 2015, 01:05 AM
RE: heavy snow fall wakes the neighbors - by Mordecai - February 20, 2015, 01:12 AM
RE: heavy snow fall wakes the neighbors - by Bindi - February 20, 2015, 12:15 PM
RE: heavy snow fall wakes the neighbors - by Mordecai - February 20, 2015, 03:21 PM
RE: heavy snow fall wakes the neighbors - by Bindi - February 21, 2015, 07:09 AM
RE: heavy snow fall wakes the neighbors - by Mordecai - February 21, 2015, 09:40 PM
RE: heavy snow fall wakes the neighbors - by Bindi - February 28, 2015, 10:25 PM