Swiftcurrent Creek samba master
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615 Posts
Ooc — Chelsie
Swiftcurrent Creek ranked amongst Jinx's favourite places, between both Seahawk Valley and Teekon Wilds. Shearwater's territories were first, but the Creek had climbed with astonishing speed to second. Horizon Ridge had been nice, and reminded Jinx of home, but the waves had been tame compared to Brightfish Cove's, so it was not as high on her list. The Creek masqueraded as a tranquil and peaceful place, but it hid a series of treacherous trials for the wolves living there. If they didn't succumb to the choking depths of waters that looked shallow, they faced predators from the mountains. Among those were the usual: black and brown bears, grizzlies, cougars, and golden eagles. All posed a threat to wolves, though as a pack they were much more protected.

For all these reasons and more, Jinx Kesuk was beginning to appreciate the Creek. Here, she could feel the Gods, reminiscent of home. Whether hers, Lethe's, and Lecter's presences drew Them or not, it was clear to Jinx They had blessed this place. Prey was not lacking, even in the grip of winter. Ice enveloped the majority of the creek proper, but like the water, it was full of deceit. In select places, it was thick enough to hold a wolf's weight, but along most of its length the ice was thin and webbed with fractures. An unsuspecting canid could attempt to cross it and find nothing but cold death for their trust.

Along this creek she strode, her steps brisk and her stature befitting a prowling cat. In many ways, the young mambo moved like a feline: she was quiet, quick, and above all, furtive. For this reason, she often looked suspicious, like she was up to something... But today, she had no agenda. She prowled the inner territory, straying from the borders to seek out unfamiliar scents and faces within the pack. Friend or foe, it did not matter; Jinx was out sleuthing, and as always, her greeting of whoever she found would be unpredictable.
Messages In This Thread
samba master - by Jinx - February 16, 2014, 08:09 PM
RE: samba master - by Solène - February 20, 2014, 07:33 PM
RE: samba master - by Jinx - February 20, 2014, 09:51 PM