Horizon Ridge Freaky & The Freakshow
160 Posts
Ooc — Ilona
Are you okay with wrapping up the thread after the next post? And doing a follow-up when Epic brings a gift to Rusalka?
Although the yearling boy would never admit it, Caiaphas was placing a spell upon the boy. He listened to her as words fell from her leathery lips and the world around him faded away into nothinghood. She poked at his innerdepths, bring a shade of darkness within that he had never sensed before. A mercanary, a killer. His heart thumped with a buzz of excitement when she spoke of war, of drame and of blood. Life with her -- and with Rusalka -- would never preach of boredom. His rogueish smile never disappeared, though today he wouldn't judge her words, the (third) war that loomed ahead or the sea-queen Kraken.

"Almost." Epic murmured quietly, his golden eyes looked sternly into the direction of the ocean where the waves lapsed at its shorelines. "What excites you the most in life?" It was his last and final question. A wolf's excitement; whether it was hatred or love, war or peace, hunt or be hunted. This final answer would tell him a lot. "After your answer I will go and return only once I have found something worthy for you, sea queen. I will bring my gift to the Rusalka borders for you."
Messages In This Thread
Freaky & The Freakshow - by Epic - December 30, 2018, 10:43 AM
RE: Freaky & The Freakshow - by Caiaphas - January 01, 2019, 02:08 PM
RE: Freaky & The Freakshow - by Epic - January 01, 2019, 03:07 PM
RE: Freaky & The Freakshow - by Caiaphas - January 02, 2019, 07:00 PM
RE: Freaky & The Freakshow - by Epic - January 03, 2019, 02:09 PM
RE: Freaky & The Freakshow - by Caiaphas - January 10, 2019, 06:19 PM
RE: Freaky & The Freakshow - by Epic - January 12, 2019, 03:09 PM
RE: Freaky & The Freakshow - by Caiaphas - January 15, 2019, 08:24 PM
RE: Freaky & The Freakshow - by Epic - January 22, 2019, 02:24 PM
RE: Freaky & The Freakshow - by Caiaphas - January 26, 2019, 03:45 PM
RE: Freaky & The Freakshow - by Epic - January 27, 2019, 02:48 PM
RE: Freaky & The Freakshow - by Caiaphas - February 03, 2019, 01:49 PM
RE: Freaky & The Freakshow - by Epic - February 14, 2019, 12:48 PM
RE: Freaky & The Freakshow - by Caiaphas - February 17, 2019, 01:20 PM