The Heartwood I came to stake my claim like a canine waitin' in a buffet line
128 Posts
Ooc — Kat
Quell never offered an answer to Kyr's question, besides a telling waggle of her eyebrows. Instead, she held her breath and waited for the she-wolf to corroborate her hope that she was, in fact, standing in neutral territory. It whooshed out of her when Kyr told her she was from Neverwinter, a name which Q actually knew. Her features brightened even as Kyr reclined on the cool, dry forest floor. The yearling flopped down a few feet away, looking all the world like a teenage girl preparing for some heavy gossip.

"I know about Neverwinter! And Mal!" Q proclaimed, perhaps disproportionately delighted by this mutual connection. "Does it feel weird calling it that now that it's spring?" she wondered with a lopsided grin. "I told him it was gonna be awkward." She clucked her tongue and shook her head.

"I'm from Sagtannet," she just barely remembered to say, raising a foreleg and gesturing at the distant mountains. Her pale purple gaze followed her own gesticulating before she faced Kyr and blurted, "Although I'm not sure it's a good fit for me."
Members of Sagtannet are welcome to power-play Quellcrist (excepting injury or death) for cohesion and continuity, whether or not she's an active participant in a thread. Just tag me!
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RE: I came to stake my claim like a canine waitin' in a buffet line - by Quellcrist - March 23, 2020, 09:26 PM