The Heartwood I came to stake my claim like a canine waitin' in a buffet line
128 Posts
Ooc — Kat
In the face of Kyr's perfectly sensible explanation about the pack's name, Quell made a show of scoffing as if what she'd heard was total nonsense. Of course, she followed it up with a grin and a wink. She'd only gotten a glimpse of the woods behind Mal at the time, though her companion's brief description painted a picture in her mind. She wondered what it was like, living in a forest. She had mostly lived in seaside territories before arriving at Sawtooth Spire. The landscaping had little to do with Quell's decision to live there.

She hadn't meant to say that; at least, she hadn't planned on it. When Kyr pressed her, Q stuck her tongue in her cheek and screwed up one lavender eye as she contemplated how to answer. "I only joined because I found my dad living there. It's been great, getting to know him better, but..." She licked her lips and shrugged her speckled shoulders. "I've been there more than a month and I don't have any friends besides him. How cringey is that? I mean, I get along with Ainhoa... and there's Mahler... but none of them are my friends." Then there was Elfie, who might outright dislike her. "And here I thought I was a friendly guy!" she finished mockingly, though there was a flicker of uncertainty hidden behind her eyes.
Members of Sagtannet are welcome to power-play Quellcrist (excepting injury or death) for cohesion and continuity, whether or not she's an active participant in a thread. Just tag me!
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RE: I came to stake my claim like a canine waitin' in a buffet line - by Quellcrist - March 24, 2020, 09:39 AM