Heron Lake Plateau Silver Forest Vanhoover
427 Posts
Ooc — Me
All Welcome 
occ: set a day or two after the storm

It was day three or four Birk had spen in the unknown South and it finally had dawned upon him that, while the general (very general) direction was the same, the lands were totally different. The further down he went, the less familiar the landscape became. He had a choice between looking for a way back or exploring onwards and after some deliberation he had decided that he had nothing to lose. And therefore he stayed. 

One meagre hare carcass is hardly enough to fill a grown up wolf's belly, therefore Birk had left the Two River Isle (of course, he did not know it's name - for him it was just a forest) and moved a little eastward. There in the distance loomed another tree-line, promising the hungry loner a chance to find another meal. However, before he got there, he would face a little challenge. Ice. 

The blizzard had done a good job at concealing the large frozen lake and Birk realized the trouble he was in only after he had walked way too far to hop back on the safe and unslippery shores. There, where the snow was thinner, he slipped and fell on the side with a loud thud. And, while there were blue sparks and stars dancing before his eyes, his only thought was - boy, was that embarrassing!
323 Posts
Ooc — Belle
Ah, why not, since Mawk was heading through this way anyway xD @Illecebra - if she felt like joining on his way to tell Spring of his departure from Silver Creek. And also to find Skylaris to say goodbyes, and perhaps the two girls can meet?

Mawk shook his pelt, the cold still managing to seep through his fur. The large wolfdog had begun to head back towards his old pack to tell the alphas of his departure, since he was going to join the Ganador wolves. They were friendly and he liked them all, besides Noor. She seemed to have a strong dislike for him, and he believed it was due to either his appearance or his lineage. Most likely the latter.

It was still cold, yes, but the temperature seemed to have settled back to how it should have been and Mawk was glad for that. His fur had grown thicker, but it was no way near as thick as Gwen's; she must have been feeling much more snug than the rest of the wolves during the blizzard. At least that had ended, though. The scruffy dog padded across the land, shivering every now and then, until he caught a scent. Another wolf. If it had not been a day or so after the blizzard, he might have caught Skylaris' scent on the male, though, he didn't. Instead he approached with caution, and couldn't help but burst out laughing when he saw the stranger slip and fall. He laughed for a good few moments, and when he stopped he gave the pale man an apologetic grin, along with a small wag of his curled tail.

"Sorry....Name's Mawk."
391 Posts
Ooc — Chey
She had followed him silently, slipping through the snow with ease. She assumed that he was going to announce his departure from his pack, and thought that if it lead to fangs she should be by his side. Nobody would touch a hair on his lovely pelt if she was near. Illecebra lurked behind Mawk and slowed just as he seemed to smell something. Stiffening as she wondered if she was caught, she hid herself only to peek out at the sound of the wolf dog's loud laughter. 

He was looking at someone who seemed to be fallen on the ice, and out of curiosity she slipped into the open and crept by his side pressing her fur against his own. She snorted as she saw the sprawled male's ungainly position and shook her head amused "Are you alright?" She asked tilting her head to the side with a smirk.
427 Posts
Ooc — Me
Birk assumed that he must have lied there for quite a while, it took him longer to realize that the two people - one big, pale and laughing, the other - gray and smirking - standing there and looking at him as some sort of a local attraction were not imaginary. He rolled to his belly and looked at the two through squinted eyes (partly because of the pain in his head) - from head to toe, his gaze lingering at their faces a bit longer - then he offered a sheepish smile.

"Nah, I am fine," he declared, though he would have said the same thing, when and if he had lied there bloody and half-unconscious. "So, what about you - may I say, how flattered I am to have such an audience?" he said with a grin.
323 Posts
Ooc — Belle
Sorry for the late reply!

Mawk chuckled once more as the male began gave a sheepish smile and began to speak. "Ya sure?" he asked, raising his brow ever so slightly. The large male padded closer, guessing that this man wasn't the aggressive type. He seemed, overall, okay, but one could never be too sure.

"We're passing through. To go and see Skylaris and the rest of Silver Creek. I don't suppose you've met Sky? I imagine she's been adventuring around the place, no doubt meeting strangers."
391 Posts
Ooc — Chey
Illecebra chuckled softly at the male's expression, and how he simply rolled over. She felt no ill will coming from him so she stepped forward, heading toward the pale man. Once she was a few feet away she sat down and smiled at him "May i check your head? I am not great with medicine but i know some things" she asked.
427 Posts
Ooc — Me
"Funny you should mention her," Birk said, remembering the stranger, with whom he had shared a shelter during the snowstorm and also spoken a lot about great many things. Some of which he did not even remember now. "I met Skylaris not too long ago. And now that I think more of it... she might have mentioned you two to me."

"No need to worry about me," the man brushed away the girl's offer to check his head for injuries. "My skull is thick as Lauren's. Except I might have more brain in it than they do. I hope so at least," he said with another heart-felt laugh.

"Okay, guys! It was nice chatting with you and I would love to talk more, but I have to go now. See ya'!" Birk said after he was pretty sure that his fall did not affect his ability to walk and navigate. With that said - he departed.