September 20, 2017, 05:23 PM
@Dawn maybe? -- yes im trespassing hehe; not really looking for a fight but won't say no to one
also set for tomorrow sept 20th
also set for tomorrow sept 20th
party monster - the weeknd
Finally, he had gathered the drive to leave the Vale behind, if only momentarily.
He needed to know what had happened with Rannoch, even if it killed him a little on the inside, he had decided that he'd rather know the full truth than to be comforted with a lie. If he had to find his corpse then so be it, but he was not willing to let this 'maybe dead, maybe not' shit go on in his mind.
So with a fierce determination, Remi had set out to find something, anything, that might hint to his former Alpha's location. He travelled all morning, only stopping once to quench his thirst at a river before reaching the newly occupied Plateu by sundown. Though he could smell the presence of other wolves in the area (duh he wasn't stupid) decided to avoid the usual protocol of summoning one of these wolves and waiting at the border (ok maybe he is) and let himself in.
Surely he'd run into someone soon, and hopefully, if he/she didn't chase his ass out first, he could ask this someone about his missing friend.
September 20, 2017, 05:39 PM
If this is set for the 20th, Dawn might still be injured. So I'll hop in for now.
[size=11.6667px%%%]It had been a usual day for Pema. Walking around the territory in search of new herb locations and good future hunting spots. But unlike the normal everyday run around a new scent was in the air. An unfamilar one, one of a male wolf. She was one of the newest member of the pack, but she had meet all the members of the pack before and could recognize each one. Who ever this was, was either a new member to the pack, at the border, or tresspassing. [/size]
She began walking to the border but unfotunatly spotted the unfamiliar wolf before she made it there. They were in the territory and hopefully for a good enough reason. She might have called for help, but knowing that there was young wolves within the territory and not too far away, she could call for help and wait if he proved to be a real threat. Stepping out into the open she tried to stand as tall as possible, showing her dominance in the area. Which she would normally not do, saying "May I ask who you are and what your doing here." she said in a tone that was serious and didn't at all sound like a question.
September 20, 2017, 05:50 PM
oh ok! welcome c: - others are also welcome to jump in and be hostile
Aha! Just as he had thought he would, the creamy Ostrega ran into a local.
The Delta turned to greet the stranger at the sound of her voice. It was a female, who despite not looking particularly angry at his trespassing did adress him in a serious tone that made Remi know she meant buisness. Well ok, he was here just for buisness too.
This wasn't a pleasure trip.
"I am Mouse Ostrega, of Northstar Vale" he answered, his voice serious as well but his nose dipping slightly to show the female he did not want trouble, unless that was all she had to offer. "there's someone missing, Rannoch Frostfur, also of the Vale, i am looking for him or any information about him" he explained, his crystalline eyes fixed on the young Morningside wolfess in search of any sign of recognition at the sound of hs friend's name.
September 20, 2017, 09:28 PM
(This post was last modified: September 20, 2017, 09:29 PM by Pema.)
Mouse from Northstar Vale. Both the wolf and the pack were unfamiliar to Pema, both from experience and from what she had heard through the pack. She thought if the pack had an alliance with another pack, one that would allow them to wander willy nilly into their territory, Grayday would have told her about it. He was tresspassing, and purposefully, unlike the female that somewhat fell into their borders. Even if he was looking for someone this was not the way to do so.
"Just because a member of your pack is missing does not give you the right to step into our borders." she said firmly the edges of her canines showing. She wasn't sure what had come over her, but it felt right to her. Never having been an agressive wolf she never would have though to be defensive over something, except maybe the pups directly. But this was her home and he had compromised it, which was very angering.
Still being as less then hostile wolf she didn't go to attack him, yet, but let him know that, "Now I do not know, nor have I ever, heard that name uttered within this pack. But I do know, that if you wish to learn anything from the other members of this pack about your missing friend. You will turn around and ask again, from the border." she said taking a step forward urging him back to the border.
September 20, 2017, 10:29 PM
(This post was last modified: September 20, 2017, 10:29 PM by Mouse.)
im sorry he's rude rn
It seemed neither the name of his pack or of his missing friend ringed a bell to the female, but it seemed it had somehow pissed her off.
Huh, and Remi had thought this was going well.
She issued a warning, wrinkling her face into an unexpected snarl. He flattened his ears, caught of guard by the female's reaction but quickly breaking out of his initial submissive facade and meeting her eyes with his own unwavering gaze. Though if it were him in her position he'd probably react the same way or worse, he was not thinking objectively.
Rannoch was missing and all that the creamy Ostrega cared about in this moment was finding him so all he answered to her claim about how his excuse did not justify his actions was a non chalant shrug of his shoulders.
ok whatever.
She spoke again, this time issuing an order that made the Delta let out a huff.
Is she for real? Why would he ask again from the border if she had already told him she knew nothing?, he thought to himself, seeing that it seemed she was indeed serious.
He had hoped the wolves of the area would be of helpful but honestly this girl was more of an obstacle to his search.
Ugh, he rolled his eyes, a non verbal way to let her know that aint nobody got time for that.
"dude seriously? , i am not trying to steal anything or harm anyone, i come in peace or whatever....i'm just looking for my friend" he barked with a lash of his tail, time felt really valuable now, like every minute he was getting closer to finding Rannoch was just a waste. "can you help me or not?"
September 20, 2017, 11:12 PM
It's cool. Looking at peoples threadlogs doesn't look like anyone could have helped him anyway so...
She couldn't believe this. His level of imaturity. He appeared older then her, but either he was in the wrong state of mind or was being complete a child. Shrugging away her statement as though this rule did not apply to him. It wasn't a suggestion, if was a fact, a law for any wolf nearing the border of a foreign pack.
If he had listened to what she had said, walked back to the border then asked again they might have been able to work something out. She could have made a point to ask the other members at a later time and send a scout to their pack with the news. But for now that was out of the question and no longer a courtesy she would offer this rude wolf.
He brushed away her statements, taking it as a joke. She would not be ignored like this. Not in her own home. "No! Are you serious?" she barked at the male, walking towards him as she spoke. "Do you honestly think that the border doesn't apply to you. It is not a suggestion. It is a LAW! Not just for our pack but for all of them." she shouted trying to put some sence into him. Now infront of his face, almost growling the words comming out of her mouth. "If you think anyone is going to want to help you find your friend after you break into their home, you are mistake. Get out, now!" her tail raised high ready to take other actions if he didn't exit their border.
PM me if you want this to get physical. I would like to roll if we do.
September 23, 2017, 09:07 AM
He should've seen it coming.
Of course, she'd get more pissed.
Everything that came out his mouth seemed to be fuel for the female's growing rage. And though she had all right to feel the way she did, because honestly Remi was being less than likable right now, he still did not get why she was being so loud. He was too blinded by his almost teenage egotism to see that the female actually had valid arguments. "what i honestly thought was that wolves around here could be helpful - but you've proved to be useless" he hissed with a lash of his dark tipped tail.
Now she should've seen it coming.
Of course he would snap at her too.
She came closer, growling in his face a last warning that perhaps he should've taken.
But instead of recoiling, Remi's own lips pealed back to reaveal a furious snarl. For a second, he forgot what he had come here to do - look for Rannoch, who would undoubtledly not be pleased with his current behavior. This was no longer about the Frostfur, it was about Remi not knowing how to properly deal with his emotions and not finding any other way to blow off the steam that had built up over the days following Rannoch's dissapereance than to do something stupid like this. He did always go out looking for trouble.
Today it seemed he had found just that.
Of course, she'd get more pissed.
Everything that came out his mouth seemed to be fuel for the female's growing rage. And though she had all right to feel the way she did, because honestly Remi was being less than likable right now, he still did not get why she was being so loud. He was too blinded by his almost teenage egotism to see that the female actually had valid arguments. "what i honestly thought was that wolves around here could be helpful - but you've proved to be useless" he hissed with a lash of his dark tipped tail.
Now she should've seen it coming.
Of course he would snap at her too.
She came closer, growling in his face a last warning that perhaps he should've taken.
But instead of recoiling, Remi's own lips pealed back to reaveal a furious snarl. For a second, he forgot what he had come here to do - look for Rannoch, who would undoubtledly not be pleased with his current behavior. This was no longer about the Frostfur, it was about Remi not knowing how to properly deal with his emotions and not finding any other way to blow off the steam that had built up over the days following Rannoch's dissapereance than to do something stupid like this. He did always go out looking for trouble.
Today it seemed he had found just that.
September 23, 2017, 12:51 PM
(This post was last modified: September 23, 2017, 12:52 PM by Grayday Sr..)
Raised voices were bound to attract attention before too long. Grayday had headed in that direction as soon as they reached his ears, thinking that Howl, perhaps, had returned to take out his frustrations on their budding young healer. (Grayday felt for him, really, but there was no reason that Pema had to take on the brunt of his indignation. If Howl needed a fight to sort out his emotions, Grayday would willingly play adversary.)
Unfortunately for all parties involved, Grayday did not recognize the male currently snapping at his healer's face. At once, he was off like a shot - a silver bullet intent on burying itself in the other wolf's side. Without even a growl to announce his presence, the only warning the other male would get was the muted thud of paws on the carpeted forest floor, and quite possibly something in Pema's expression.
Unfortunately for all parties involved, Grayday did not recognize the male currently snapping at his healer's face. At once, he was off like a shot - a silver bullet intent on burying itself in the other wolf's side. Without even a growl to announce his presence, the only warning the other male would get was the muted thud of paws on the carpeted forest floor, and quite possibly something in Pema's expression.
Grayday is aiming to knock Mouse over and snarl in his face, at the moment. No plans to maim just yet.
![[Image: CYEyvJP.png?4]](
What's Mine is Ours
September 26, 2017, 11:16 PM
Caught up in the moment and almost ready to strike the male, Grayday's arrival was unexpected. Though it was nice to know she wouldn't need to fight of this rude male on her own. She watched as Grayday attempted to slam into the male and knock him over. She still had her teeth bared and tail up. Even in the presence of Grayday she needed to show her dominance to this male in their territory.
She didn't go in to strike just yet. Without the proper opening she could possibly do more harm then help. Hopefully for everyones sake the male would see that, especially now with his being out numbered, that he was not welcome and should leave. But she stayed close to the two males, ready to help Grayday is this male proceeded.
September 28, 2017, 08:49 PM
thanks for joining @Grayday - i guess we're not doing doing rolls or anything now, i don't plan to get mouse really hurt just a bit bruised up. Still you're free to bite/push/hit as long as it is not a deep/serious wound to chase him out of something ;)
The sudden impact was enough to rattle the young Ostrega's brain.
Disoriented, by what had happened and what or who had exactly hit him, Remi blinked up to find a male, obviously large and in charge, standing next to him. Insintively, at the other's threat he too curled his lips to reveal his own set of teeth. He knew that it would be stupid to issue an attack given his position, and overall situation, but he wanted to make clear that he was willing to retaliate if it came to it.
Narrowed eyes turned to Pema, who had jumped inmediately next to the strange male, and then back to the male, who he still ignored was no less than the pack's alpha. "what the hell... ?!" he barked, his thoughts still a little mixed up in his head, he was not usually a fighter. At least not with others of his species. Plus, ever since his arrival to the Vale, Remi had strayed a little from situations where aggresion could be present.
"i'll go...damn" he mumbled under his breath, the little common sense he had apparently returning to him. He was outnumbered and really, getting hurt wasn't worth it now he knew they had no useful information anyways. Fighting would be, as talking to them, a waste of his time.
September 30, 2017, 11:01 PM
"You'll stay right the fuck where you are," Grayday snarled, moving so that he was a buffer between the male and a quick exit. "What are you doing in my land, growlin' at my women, disturbing my kids?" he demanded. His eyes flashed to Pema in a silent command - don't let him go. Grayday wanted to know what his deal was before they decided what to do with him.
He'd experienced a few instances of tresspassing in his time. The last time it'd happened, a savage shewolf had been trying to eat his son. The time before that, a woman had been killed, and one of her newly-orphaned children stolen. Grayday had never found out what happened to Keoni and Nikai's sister, but just thinking about it filled him with white-hot rage - especially with his own young children beginning to wander further from the rendezvous with each coming day.
He'd experienced a few instances of tresspassing in his time. The last time it'd happened, a savage shewolf had been trying to eat his son. The time before that, a woman had been killed, and one of her newly-orphaned children stolen. Grayday had never found out what happened to Keoni and Nikai's sister, but just thinking about it filled him with white-hot rage - especially with his own young children beginning to wander further from the rendezvous with each coming day.
![[Image: CYEyvJP.png?4]](
What's Mine is Ours
October 02, 2017, 06:05 PM
Grayday's arrival seemed to have knocked some sence into Mouse as he finally agreed to leave theri terriotry. Pema thought the whole incident would be over but Grayday had other thoughts in mind. He cut off the male and stood between him and the nearest, shooting a look to him and Pema.
She stayed in agressive mode on the other side of this male, ready to chase and go after this male if he decided to flea rather then face the consiquences of his actions. Grayday asked a question that Pema could have answered, but she didn't dare. Both because she didn't want to be the focus of Grayday's anger and because she really wanted this male to get what he desirved, whatever that was.
She stayed in agressive mode on the other side of this male, ready to chase and go after this male if he decided to flea rather then face the consiquences of his actions. Grayday asked a question that Pema could have answered, but she didn't dare. Both because she didn't want to be the focus of Grayday's anger and because she really wanted this male to get what he desirved, whatever that was.
October 07, 2017, 04:12 PM
And just when he thought this disastrous encounter was over, he realized it was just getting started.
The large brute that had knocked him down moved to, again, be an obstacle to Remi. Apparently he did not want to let him off so easy, and though Remi had enough self restrain to keep himself from attempting to make a break for it and forcefully get over everything and everyone that stood in his way he could not contain his lips from curling into a small, obviously annoyed, snarl.
"i am searching for a lost packmate man, i literally do not care about your women or children... " he snapped, trying to convey that he did not care for them in the sense that he would not attack or harm them but maybe... not using the right words oops. He then looked at Pema, who stood like a cat ready to pounce on him at his slightest movement. "you have nothing i could use or need so..... adiós" he barked then, taking a step forth as he attempted to slip past the angered male and leave this nonsense behind already.
The large brute that had knocked him down moved to, again, be an obstacle to Remi. Apparently he did not want to let him off so easy, and though Remi had enough self restrain to keep himself from attempting to make a break for it and forcefully get over everything and everyone that stood in his way he could not contain his lips from curling into a small, obviously annoyed, snarl.
"i am searching for a lost packmate man, i literally do not care about your women or children... " he snapped, trying to convey that he did not care for them in the sense that he would not attack or harm them but maybe... not using the right words oops. He then looked at Pema, who stood like a cat ready to pounce on him at his slightest movement. "you have nothing i could use or need so..... adiós" he barked then, taking a step forth as he attempted to slip past the angered male and leave this nonsense behind already.
October 07, 2017, 09:10 PM
Grayday's lips peeled back at the other's words. How he didn't care about them, how they didn't have anything he wanted. Although Grayday was normally a man of patience and understanding, the insolent trespasser seemed to be pushing all of his buttons. The leader saw red, and a furious snarl ripped from his jaws. The other male was leaving, but he was spoiling for a fight.
In one last effort to get the other to do more than spout arrogant words, Morningside's leader lashed out and raked the wolf's retreating flank with a flash of white fangs. They left no more than superficial wounds on the other, but would surely be felt - Grayday hoped he'd turn around and defend himself, but just in case he didn't, the leader began to chase after the younger male, determined to see him to the borders at the very least.
In one last effort to get the other to do more than spout arrogant words, Morningside's leader lashed out and raked the wolf's retreating flank with a flash of white fangs. They left no more than superficial wounds on the other, but would surely be felt - Grayday hoped he'd turn around and defend himself, but just in case he didn't, the leader began to chase after the younger male, determined to see him to the borders at the very least.
![[Image: CYEyvJP.png?4]](
What's Mine is Ours
October 08, 2017, 02:02 AM
The foreigner had began to move away from the two of them and seeing no signs from Grayday to back off she peeled her lips back revealing more of her jaws. She let out a growl and attempted to grab hold of his back leg when he tried to slip past Day.
He really just couldn't listen to reason. Walking in with such a cocky sence of purpose, thinking he could do whatever he chose and that there wouldn't be any consquences. If Pema had anything to say about it, this wouldn't be the case. If he ended up slipping away from her grasp she would be on his tail attempting to grab hold of him all the way to the border. Maybe even a bit farther then that depending on how heated she got during the chase.
He really just couldn't listen to reason. Walking in with such a cocky sence of purpose, thinking he could do whatever he chose and that there wouldn't be any consquences. If Pema had anything to say about it, this wouldn't be the case. If he ended up slipping away from her grasp she would be on his tail attempting to grab hold of him all the way to the border. Maybe even a bit farther then that depending on how heated she got during the chase.
October 20, 2017, 08:27 PM
im sorry for being slow - this will be my last post, thanks so much for playing along with my pest♥♥
Yeah, let this be a lesson that things can always get worse.
But really there was no one else for Remi to blame but himself, the way he was handling the situation was not helping, in fact, every time he opened his mouth to speak it seemed he would dig his own grave a little deeper.
Before he could turn around and leave the histrionic pair of crazies with the view of his retreating butt, he got a little forget-me-not. As soon as the male's teeth touched his skin he cried out in pain. Instintively he pulled his own lips back to reveal a snarl though he did not plan to retaliate.
Now he had gotten the message.
It was loud and painfully clear.
Get the fuck out.
So, tail tucked between his legs and a million curses falling from his lips, he did.
October 20, 2017, 08:49 PM
When it was clear that the male would run instead of fight, Grayday swung furiously toward the shewolf at his side, eyes blazing as he began to check her over, his investigations a bit more rough that usual.
"The next time you catch an intruder that deep in our land, you need to sound the alarm," he snapped, his voice cracking at the last word. "Are you alright? Did he hurt you?" Heedless of her answer, the male would continue to sniff, groom, and examine his packmate until he'd seen for himself that she was unharmed. His emotions were going haywire, his nerves were on the fritz. He couldn't believe that someone had just waltzed in here, that he'd made it this far, that Pema had met him alone, unprotected. It could just as easily have been one of the kids -
Grayday swore loudly, turning his head away from the young healer. It seemed wrong to look at her when he was feeling this angry.
"The next time you catch an intruder that deep in our land, you need to sound the alarm," he snapped, his voice cracking at the last word. "Are you alright? Did he hurt you?" Heedless of her answer, the male would continue to sniff, groom, and examine his packmate until he'd seen for himself that she was unharmed. His emotions were going haywire, his nerves were on the fritz. He couldn't believe that someone had just waltzed in here, that he'd made it this far, that Pema had met him alone, unprotected. It could just as easily have been one of the kids -
Grayday swore loudly, turning his head away from the young healer. It seemed wrong to look at her when he was feeling this angry.
![[Image: CYEyvJP.png?4]](
What's Mine is Ours
October 22, 2017, 11:42 PM
The intruder had cried out as Grayday managed to grab hold of him for a short time. He still seemed angry as he snarled, but ended up retreating with his tail between his legs. Pema had a mere second of relief before Grayday turned his attention on her and them told her that she should have called for help.
She felt guilty. She hadn't though to call for anyone else. She though that she could do this herself, that maybe she could just tell him to leave and he would. After all it wasn't a common occurance that someone would just walts into an unknown territory ininvited and start demanding to know things. But at the very least she should have called someone when things began to get aggressive. She would have like to think that if Grayday hadn't shown up she would have been able to defend herself and the pack, but she wasn't a fighter and their was no garantee that that would have been the case.
"I'm sorry Day. I thought I could get him out of here before it became a bigger issue then it was. It was stupid of me to think that this far in I should be the only one to confront him. I'm sorry." she said her ears drooping a bit as she said it. As she spoke he examined her, more intensly then he had done times before. She couldn't tell if it was because of the anger he was feeling or consern for her saftey.
"Day, Day I'm fine" she said near the end of his vigerious examination. He cursed and then turned away from her. She gave him a few moment to calm down a bit before walking up beside him and looking at him. He still looked rather angry and she wasn't sure what to day. She could have said something like It's all right, but it wasn't alright. This had been completely uncalled for and would really but into question the intentions of those around the pack and the vulnerability of the pack.
"Thank you for stepping in. We are strongest together, and that's how we protect this pack." she said speaking of "we" in the sence of the whole pack.
She felt guilty. She hadn't though to call for anyone else. She though that she could do this herself, that maybe she could just tell him to leave and he would. After all it wasn't a common occurance that someone would just walts into an unknown territory ininvited and start demanding to know things. But at the very least she should have called someone when things began to get aggressive. She would have like to think that if Grayday hadn't shown up she would have been able to defend herself and the pack, but she wasn't a fighter and their was no garantee that that would have been the case.
"I'm sorry Day. I thought I could get him out of here before it became a bigger issue then it was. It was stupid of me to think that this far in I should be the only one to confront him. I'm sorry." she said her ears drooping a bit as she said it. As she spoke he examined her, more intensly then he had done times before. She couldn't tell if it was because of the anger he was feeling or consern for her saftey.
"Day, Day I'm fine" she said near the end of his vigerious examination. He cursed and then turned away from her. She gave him a few moment to calm down a bit before walking up beside him and looking at him. He still looked rather angry and she wasn't sure what to day. She could have said something like It's all right, but it wasn't alright. This had been completely uncalled for and would really but into question the intentions of those around the pack and the vulnerability of the pack.
"Thank you for stepping in. We are strongest together, and that's how we protect this pack." she said speaking of "we" in the sence of the whole pack.
October 30, 2017, 09:13 PM
Pema's words soothed the male very little; mostly, he felt bad that he'd snapped at her, and frustrated with both of them for having - somehow - allowed this to happen. "I know," he muttered, not quite answering. Then, with a final sigh, he turned back to the shewolf and gave her a placating lick on the forehead. "It's not your fault. Next time, though, make sure you sound the alarm."
He shook out his pelt, hoping to rid himself of the last shreds of aggression that lingered like poison in his joints. It didn't quite fade, but he felt more ready to think about the next step.
"Will you go back to the pups? I need to walk this off," he requested, already planning a trip to the borders. He'd make sure that the male had left for good, and then he'd lay some extra scent where the intruder had passed. Perhaps that would settled him down.
He shook out his pelt, hoping to rid himself of the last shreds of aggression that lingered like poison in his joints. It didn't quite fade, but he felt more ready to think about the next step.
"Will you go back to the pups? I need to walk this off," he requested, already planning a trip to the borders. He'd make sure that the male had left for good, and then he'd lay some extra scent where the intruder had passed. Perhaps that would settled him down.
![[Image: CYEyvJP.png?4]](
What's Mine is Ours
October 31, 2017, 05:52 PM
She heard what he said. That he wasn't mad at her and that he knew it wasn't her fault, but that next time he wanted her to do something different. It felt good to know that he wasn't angry with her, but she still felt as though he might be disappointed by the way things had gone down and how it could have changed based on her actions. He was still tense and angry about the situation as a whole even though he had calmed down a bit.
Her words may not have been able to calm him down, and she hoped that his walk would. She nodded to his request to go to the pups. She could take this opportunity to educate the pups abit about what to do if they were to meet someone from outside the pack within thier borders, if they hadn't been told already.
After nodding she gave a fades smile and turned to walk away towards the pups.
Her words may not have been able to calm him down, and she hoped that his walk would. She nodded to his request to go to the pups. She could take this opportunity to educate the pups abit about what to do if they were to meet someone from outside the pack within thier borders, if they hadn't been told already.
After nodding she gave a fades smile and turned to walk away towards the pups.
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