Shy Deer Steppes Snakes Among Wolves
383 Posts
Ooc — Malia

It’s still cold enough to suppress his need to lol his black tongue out to pant out into the dusty air around him. The sun is out today and the first signs of heat creep in. It’s not terribly hot, merely just enough to warm up his back and neck. Though he’s sure the longer he wonders in those desert the hotter he’ll become. 

He’s coming from Serpents Lake. Though now he’s not quite sure where he’s headed, he just picks a direction and walks. Preferably a direction that he can see things moderately far off in the distance. His heavy paws blow up plumes of fine dust as he walks along this arid desertland. His head is level with his body as he saunters along, expecting a long journey ahead of him.

Hours of walking has him allowing him to roll out his black tongue. The appendage wide and dripping with long rivulets of drool. Then, something in the corner of his eye catches his attention. He freezes, white eyes snap in the movements direction. A snake slithers upon the ground and a grin finds his maw. He’s found a snack. 

As Santi reaches the limbless animal he gazes down upon it as it creates smooth patterns in the sand below it as it moves. A healthy sized rattlesnake of seven feet and six rings on the ends of its tail. The attractive pattern on its back catches his attentive eye as he closes in, trying to take advantage of its distraction by movement. 

Bringing his large, muscled body closer to the ground beneath him he pounces high into the air like a fox diving into snow. His heavy paws land on top of the snakes neck trapping his head, giving it the inability to reach back and bite him. The snake being highly venomous, it surely wouldn’t end well for the wolf. 

The animals long body coils upon the impact and as he holds it down he reaches with his own elongated fangs to rival even the rattlesnake before him. Paw still atop the snakes head he chews vigorously just a few inches below the head with the end goal of severing it’s head and keeping the rest of its body to eat. Santi chews and tugs and finally with one fatal shake of his head he separates the two and quickly releases the head. He hops away from the shorter appendage with the remainder of the snakes body clamped between his jaws. 

He trots away with a smirk on his maw and the still wriggling body of the snake in his grasp. He shakes the body vigorously and flops his own weight down into the dirt, unabashedly smacking down on his meal in the middle of the desert alone. Or so he thought he was.
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683 Posts
Ooc — Alyssa
The young ones had been fed enough for the dark woman to finally venture farther than the foggy wood. She hadn't been able to take her long needed walks due to the little brutes needing her every few hours and despite all of this she didn't completely despise them unlike the other knew mother of the pack was. Serem made time out of her day to make sure they were fed at least, they were the future of this pack.

Her stomach growled as she exited the den leaving her pups under the care of her brother Hashut for the time being until she returned. The dark woman appreciated his help and was happy knowing his soon to be children would at least have a better father than she had.

The dark woman hadn't even noticed the other in the vicinity until a sudden noise made the prey she had been tracking flee before she could catch it and she let out a low growl of frustration and looked in its direction.
”Common” "Spanish"
383 Posts
Ooc — Malia
Consuming the last bits of his meal his ruined ears swivel and his eyes catch something black off in the near distance. He savagely downs the remainder of his newly caught snake and begin a trail towards it, ever curious.

As he closes in he notices it’s a wolf and naturally a horribly devious grins stretches his maw. Now he is merely thirty feet away from the other, apparently a she-wolf. One with pups as well. 

Santi hums and tilts his head. “Are you lost?” He jokes at the irony of the situation because he’s sure he’s more lost than she is, but of course he can’t let her know that. Those heavy paws carry his closer and his black leathery nose attempt give an attempt to sniff her. “Dónde está su familia?” He asks voice deep, accent rolling over the syllables with ease and of course that same shit eating grin. 

Though he’s not an absolutely horrible monster (sometimes) he wouldn’t kill a mother unless particularly necessary. He’s genuinely curious as to why she’s wondering around these arid lands. Perhaps searching for food? “You are a part of a pack, no? I smell it on you.”
[Image: giphy.gif?cid=4d1e4f29446f97062704dca892...=giphy.gif]
683 Posts
Ooc — Alyssa
It was another wolf who was near and she watched as he drew closer and she tended slightly and drew her guard but not too much. She listened and his accent was one she was familiar with and his question brought a small chuckle from her. "No I was simply hunting but you may have drove the prey from the area already." She would have to find her meal elsewhere it seemed but she might as well have some fun with her limited freedom. "de vuelta en mi guarida." The words flowed freely off her tongue and Now she wasn't just about to tell him specifically where they were but only the basics.

She listened to the rest and nodded slightly. "I am the General of the nightwalkers and yourself?" She had already assumed the answer to her question.m after catching no other lingering scents on his pelt.
”Common” "Spanish"
383 Posts
Ooc — Malia
He hums thoughtfully. “I’m sure I have, niña. There is nothing in eyesight of here.” He comments idly. “I only headed this way because I thought you were something I could eat.” He chuckles deeply. “Though I guess I am not wrong.” He punctuates with that same shit eating grin and a deep fit of hearty laughter.

After his laugher dies down his ruined ears perk up at the words that come from her tongue. “Ah~, are they now?” He replies simply, accent thick and drawn out. “Tienes cachorros entonces?” Santi asks curiously, already knowing the question by her smell. 

His face lights up deviously. “Oh look at you!” He exclaims. “I’ve heard of your pack. You are strong leader then, yes?” He inquires lingering closer to the smaller. “Only certain packs can be respected around here. Ellos son débiles.” He comments to her.

Then he grins once more, devious and always sly. “I am Santiago Gabriel Arcos, if you look for a name to call me.” He winks to her, though the action not so much flirtatious as it was for comical relief.
[Image: giphy.gif?cid=4d1e4f29446f97062704dca892...=giphy.gif]
683 Posts
Ooc — Alyssa
She shook her head in slight annoyance before looking at the man again listening to his words she gave a chuckle. "Now that my friend would be no easy task. Cause unlinke most prey I fight back." She said with a devilish grins.

She nodded at his next question and didn't speak much on the subject. If the man were to try and harm her young she'd have more than just her to deal with and she knew it.

A scoff came next. "I would have been but there's not much to rule over now. Just power hungry and dysfunctional wolves who seem to not be able to work together worth a damn but that may change. You may of heard of us on how we were before our leader was felled." Now she wished it could go back to the way it was before. "We are still in the process of getting back to "normal" of you could say." The man gave a name and she'd keep that. "I'm Serem Mortem." Then a wicked idea popped into her pretty little head. “How good are you at fighting? Show me.”
”Common” "Spanish"
383 Posts
Ooc — Malia
He smirks as she tells him that she can fight back. He has no doubts, she seems like a feisty warrior. Then he hums in reply to her sharing about her packs mishap. “That’s a shame then. At least the pack still stands.” He comments back.

His teeth show in a wicked smirk. “How good do I fight?” He repeats the question back to her expression holding a fair amount of astonishment. “I wouldn’t want to harm a mother. Even then I wouldn’t be able to show my full potential unless I’m fighting to kill.” He says matter of factly with a winning smile and a tilt of his head.
[Image: giphy.gif?cid=4d1e4f29446f97062704dca892...=giphy.gif]
683 Posts
Ooc — Alyssa
She let him speak for the time being but she was in fact getting a bit bored until he continued. Her ears pricked up in amusement. "Pity." She said simply. "I was itching to fight something." Being restrained to a den with mewling pups was boring and left her with built up energy she needed to expel. "Perhaps one day you can show me this "full potential " you speak of." she was interested to see how this man did.

Lol she's kinda flirting lol I suck at writing it I know hah!
”Common” "Spanish"
383 Posts
Ooc — Malia
Haha noooo you’re great!! Your writing be amazing so far! And trust me, just like it says I his bio, he flirts with everything lol. So he’s bound to flirt with her as well, so just be aware haha!

He sighs teasingly eyes closed for a second as he shakes his head and circles to her left, his heavy paws blowing up dust as he walks. He side eyes her with his own silver hues. “Then let me scratch that for you, cariña.” He rolls out deeply. 

“Sera un placer.” He drawls out then. “But take it as a play fight, I don’t want to hurt you.” He sighs then that devilishly handsome smirk crosses his face. “Too badly anyway.”

He nods to her with his chin, muscles flexing to get ready to react. “You take take the first move, amiga.” He offers.
[Image: giphy.gif?cid=4d1e4f29446f97062704dca892...=giphy.gif]
683 Posts
Ooc — Alyssa
When he agreed; the dark woman waved her tail slightly and she gave a small smirk of her own and with a short chuckle at the last part. "And who's to say i don't enjoy the pain." It was the only thing that made her feel alive the only thing she was used to. 

Serem circled the male and watched him; surveying his body. He certainly was fit to be a fighter and once she was facing him again, serem lunges at the male; not too aggressively.

im going to leave my posts open so you can interpret where they hit if they do; etc. since this isn't like a fight fight I don't care what happens just nothing fatal!
”Common” "Spanish"
383 Posts
Ooc — Malia
Yes of course! Same here. Feel free to take some initiative as to what happens as well. Ie - She can dodge and whatnot without dice rolls n such. No blood will be shed on my part and he’s gonna be gentle enough not to hurt her.

“I could say the same.” He growls deeply, smile never leaving his maw.

He’s impressed by the female. She’s of a fairly nice size and intimidating in the least. The plume of her raven fur surely threatening. His metallic eyes watch her intently never leaving her form. Then she lunges at him and his teeth show in a smirk, ears facing backwards as she comes towards him. He surges up on his hind legs like a rearing horse. Towering over her he attempts to bring down his heavy weight upon her to knock her down, if allowed.
[Image: giphy.gif?cid=4d1e4f29446f97062704dca892...=giphy.gif]
683 Posts
Ooc — Alyssa
He reared up as she lunged and serem felt his paws on her shoulder pushing her down to the floor but she dropped and similarly rolled out from under her and once done she attempted to tackle the male; this time shoving her weight forward into him.
”Common” "Spanish"
383 Posts
Ooc — Malia
He’s able to push her close enough to the upcoming ground to where he thought he be able to call it close enough to a victory. Only she didn’t stumble and fall to the floor as he expected, rather she goes with his push and rolls expertly back to her paws. Her weight crushing against him send him backwards and in little to no time he finds himself rightly dominated by the she-wolf. Her tackle is successful, but he knows exactly how to get out of it. 

It doesn’t stop him from smirking and huffing out a “Good one.” at her successful attack.
[Image: giphy.gif?cid=4d1e4f29446f97062704dca892...=giphy.gif]
683 Posts
Ooc — Alyssa
Her love was successful and the tackle was spot on. Serem backed up off of him and watched for his next move. When she was complimented she replied with a smirk. "Thanks." She stated simply and watched him carefully.
”Common” "Spanish"
683 Posts
Ooc — Alyssa
Her move was successful and the tackle was spot on and she was amazed at herself seems like the little demons didn't tire her out completely. "Thank you. His compliment was met with a smile as she backed up and prepared herself for his next attack; watching him carefully.
”Common” "Spanish"
383 Posts
Ooc — Malia
His smirk grows as she readies herself for his next attack. Rolling onto his paws, his fur is dusted over with the fine sand that coats the arid plains. He shakes himself off briefly before stalking closer. 

His body reacts quickly as he shoots towards her going for her left only to juke and quickly slide to her right. Tucking his chin, the plume of his neck frames his face and his wide head comes at her with a vengeance. He head butts her with a fair amount of force that would surely knock her on her ass, unless a swift dodge was in tow on her part.

After knocking her down he cages her in with thick, muscled forearms and large paws. White eyes shine with playfulness and determination as he towers atop her. “Give up?” He asks in a puff of breath, smirking down to her.
[Image: giphy.gif?cid=4d1e4f29446f97062704dca892...=giphy.gif]
683 Posts
Ooc — Alyssa
He came closer and the dark woman hadn't expected him to bounce back so quickly; she couldn't react quick enough and was soon caught off guard once the male head butted her sending her brain into a short spiral as she fell backwards into the sand sending the dust into the air around her.

His large frame was now towering over her as she lied on her back looking up at him with a smile on her face still. The adrenaline still running through her veins. She was feeling impulsive and playful today and she set a paw on his chest. "Seems I don't have any other choice sir."
”Common” "Spanish"
383 Posts
Ooc — Malia
The roundness of her chocolate hues gaze up to his and he meet her with his own. Studying her face he sees the playfulness written upon her expression and sees it in her eyes. He hums deeply as she sets her own raven paw upon his furred chest and lets out a hearty chuckle that reverberates through him at her reply.

Studying her through half lidded eyes almost in warning, he silently removes his paws from each side of her and carefully steps off of her. The devilishly sly smirk he gives says that his mind might only slightly be in the gutter. 

“Oh, I’m sure you could give me a run for my money if you wanted to, cariña.” He drawls casually from beside her allowing her to get up.
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683 Posts
Ooc — Alyssa
He watches her for a moment no doubt reveling in the beauty of winning and seeing her so vulnerable that's what hunters did or at least what she would have done in his position but he does the opposite and moves off of her. She does catch his smirk however and a thought slowly crept in her mind as she stood up. "Well you not wrong." She took only a slight bit of pride in her voice as she found herself  next to the man and her tail slowly wrapped round his back leg softly.
”Common” "Spanish"
383 Posts
Ooc — Malia
“Oh,” he rolls out and at the feeling of her tail feather light on his hind leg. “I know.” He finishes as he side eyes her slyly. “I hardly ever am.” He gloats sarcastically, yet still his tone of voice soft.

He chuckles and lowers his head further down to her level. “I might have to ask for a round two if you keep up like that.” He muses with a raise of his brow and playfully nudges her with his wide head and strong snout before trotting ahead of her a playful pep in his gait.

He looks behind him with a smirk on his maw as he stops in his step. Turning slightly to face her, confidence in his stature. “What’s your schedule looking like today, cariña. Need me to escort you home?” He asks mock sweet, his tone of voice betraying his sly smirk and interesting twinkle in his silver eyes.
[Image: giphy.gif?cid=4d1e4f29446f97062704dca892...=giphy.gif]
683 Posts
Ooc — Alyssa
The man has proven to her she was amusing and serem was enjoying every minute of it and to be frank it was probably the most fun she's had in a while. She ear flickered as he spoke. "Now round two doesn't sound half bad." She mused playfully and watched as he went forward. Perhaps she could lead the handsome man to her home and he could amuse her for awhile and with each thought she wanted it more and more even though she knew he was not to be trusted not like she could do much harm, the pack was already falling apart. "I don't think that would be an issue." And besides there were many who would rip him apart if anything.
”Common” "Spanish"
383 Posts
Ooc — Malia
“Don’t tempt me.” He growls at her, smirk still plastered on his handsome face. Its as if it’s stuck like that. “Unless you want to.”

Even through his constant teasing, he waits for her to reach his side before continuing. “Guiar el camino, cariña.” He chirps, accent thick as he gives her a smile that for just a second appears more sweet than conniving, if that’s even possible.

As they walk, he watches her intently. “I have to ask. Where is the father of these pups? Your pack will not tear me apart if I follow you home?” He jokes, though he party asks for all seriousness.

Then contemplation takes over his facial features and he gazes towards her expectantly, a single brow raised. “You say your pack is falling apart, no? I believe I could help bring it back, stronger even.” He says confidently. “If you have an open spot in your pack that is.” He suggests his smirk coming back to his maw and his silver eyes look down to her. “I would be an exceptional inclusion to your home, cariña.” He boasts.
[Image: giphy.gif?cid=4d1e4f29446f97062704dca892...=giphy.gif]
683 Posts
Ooc — Alyssa
She came up next to him and looked to him. "Perhaps." She stated simply leaving a bit of suspense in what she truly wanted. When the man spoke of their father she shook her head. "He's dead. Killed by the brat leading us now." She had disdain lacing her voice. "However it was a leadership challenge so I accepted it." Didn't like it but what could she have done she was belly full with pups that she now had to raise on her own. What he offered intrigued her and she thought long and hard. "We have more than enough room, lucky for you I find you interesting." She smirked. "We'll see." Only time could tell that.
”Common” "Spanish"
383 Posts
Ooc — Malia
She seems somber of the thought of the father, which he surely thought would’ve been in the picture. Instead he hums in reply. “What was his name?” He pokes, hoping to not intrude too much. 

Then the words leader challenge cage his oh so sensitive ears and his same splits into his usual devious smirk, bordering on evil. “Tell me about the one that leads you now. You do not approve of them? And you allow leadership challenges then?”

Then he smiles at her comment of think him interesting. He can’t help but preen at the comment. “You surely will, cariña.” He says lowly, confidently even.
[Image: giphy.gif?cid=4d1e4f29446f97062704dca892...=giphy.gif]
683 Posts
Ooc — Alyssa
Thankfully none of his questions were of subjects she was sensitive about otherwise she would have snapped but she would answer. "His name was Vengeance." She replied quick and simple going to his next question as the ventures further. "She is nothing more than a mere child. But don't get me wrong she may have potential as do all the young minds of the world but the idea doesn't sit well in my stomach. And yes it is allowed but I must warn if you don't have the majority of the pack on your side it won't work reguardless of if you were to win." As they continued he spoke once more and he caught her attention once more. "I hope so."
”Common” "Spanish"