Big Salmon Lake The devil in wolves fur
683 Posts
Ooc — Alyssa
Set the day after she gave her title away. Be warned she's partially fuming.

It felt weird not having the power she once had but she had agreed to give it up. Not that their was much to govern over as of late. Today she chased after a coyote that had been scavenging through the cache and was sunjected to all the lent of anger and frustration as she ripped out its throat and feasted on it. 

@Santiago Arcos
”Common” "Spanish"
383 Posts
Ooc — Malia
If I may ask, what’s the weather like? And what time of day is it? I like to be descriptive haha.

Santiago only catches the tail end of the scene as his eyes follow the raven female as she fitfully chases a coyote. The poor thing runs for its life yet still was unable to keep out of her yearning grasp. Upon catching it he begins trotting up, the grass below him dead and crunchy as he carries himself across it, his destination: a certain she-wolf. His silver eyes gaze upon her, intrigued as she viciously rips the trachea from the coyotes neck. Blood costs her pitch black muzzle, along with the plume of her neck and chest.

A low chortle slithers from his smiling maw. “Hola, cariña.” He announces himself as he continues to her side in a languid stride. “How are you?” He purrs in question, though when he reaches her side he can feel the aura she’s giving off isn’t a good one.

He sidles to the other side of the newly deceased coy, in case she needs her space and his eyes study her face. “Something wrong, amiga?” He asks smoothly but carefully.
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683 Posts
Ooc — Alyssa
I don't normally think of the weather I just am vague so have at it! It may be like late afternoon.

Her preys blood was on her paws as well as her muzzle and she glanced over to the man and once she was done cleaning it off she gave him a small smile. "And why would you think that?" She mused softly. The corpse laid in between them and she had to say the male was smart; when her emotions came into play she was quite unpredictable at times. "Just has to kill something I suppose."
”Common” "Spanish"
383 Posts
Ooc — Malia
He shrugs, a lopsided, easy smile laid across his muzzle as he looks back to her. “Something feels different.” He says vaguely, furrowing his brows.

He nods, agreeing with her last statement. Then his eyes dart to her own chocolate hues then back down to the coyote. “May I, cariña?” He asks deeply, but politely, referencing her permission to feast from her kill. Knowing all too well not to get in between a woman and her food.
[Image: giphy.gif?cid=4d1e4f29446f97062704dca892...=giphy.gif]
683 Posts
Ooc — Alyssa
She chuckled a bit. "I just needed to simply clear my head. Too much shit to wrap my head around." When the man mentioned the meal that laid between them she gave a small nod. But before she let him dig away she took a meaty portion from the deceased animal. "For the whelps." Not only for hers she would feed the other group of young as well. She had a sense the other mother never wanted them so she would personally see to it that the little parasites didn't die.
”Common” "Spanish"
383 Posts
Ooc — Malia
He hums to her reply and his interested eyes gaze at her intently, it almost seems like he’s trying to convince her to tell him through telekinesis. “Like what? Any way I can help, cariña?” He asks, then takes a metaphorical step back. “Unless you do not wish to share.” He offers as a way out. 

Then he smiles at her. Their pack did have quite a few pups didn’t it. He wonders if they’re all hers, or what other she-wolves have had any. After she gets what she need for those ‘parasites’ of hers, he allows himself to dig in. Large teeth crunching on bone and slicing through meat.
[Image: giphy.gif?cid=4d1e4f29446f97062704dca892...=giphy.gif]
683 Posts
Ooc — Alyssa
She gave out a heavy sigh and looked to him. "Childbirth took a lot out of me and now I am no longer General. Now that pack is run by two children. However the male shows more promise than the other. He can possibly be better given the right guidance." She just gave him the gist of it as she watched him gorge out on the carcass.
”Common” "Spanish"
383 Posts
Ooc — Malia
Swallowing a mouthful of gore he shakes his head to her in disappointment. He’s not disappointed at her, he feels strongly towards a pack being run by fucking kids. His mind fogs up with horrid thoughts, thoughts of his fangs ripping and tearing flesh. For even a moment his previously calm silvermoon eyes became distant and unfocused. 

Helping this pack is main goal as of now. Sure he is, and can be, a savage, even ruthless killer. But if one cannot see two sides of the same coin, they’re blind to true leadership. That is what this pack is right now: blind. Stumbling about like a new born pup, weak and trembling, blind to the true horrors of what leading a pack should be like. One cannot kill and lead the path of savagery at all times, there must be balance. It’s a shame only bloodthirsty wolves with no fucking common sense strive to take over this pack.

He shakes his head once more and focuses back on the female before him. “Unacceptable.” He states bluntly. “I haven’t met this boy yet. What is his name?” He asks trying to put names to faces of some of the pack members he might has seen. If the boy has a chance he won’t have to kill him. He’ll even give their female leader a chance to step down without bloodshed but he’s sure she won’t have it.

The gazes up to her once more. “Who is the big gold wolf?” He asks curious as to when he saw him earlier. He looks like he could be a formidable ally if he can manage to get him on his side.
[Image: giphy.gif?cid=4d1e4f29446f97062704dca892...=giphy.gif]
683 Posts
Ooc — Alyssa
He tore apart the edible portions of the coyote and once he was done she simply was sitting down waiting. "The boys name is Valour." She answered short and simple to the mans question. "I'm sure you'll meet him soon enough." With any luck it would be in the next day or so. What piqued her interesting was him asking about golden boy. "His name Ghidorah I've only spoke with him once." Which reminded her to seek him out eventually.
”Common” "Spanish"
383 Posts
Ooc — Malia
Lifting his head up from his eating position he nods thoughtfully. The boy Valour and the giant Ghidorah. He smirks to her with his usual devious smile. “He’s a big boy,” he cackles. “anything bigger than me, I try to befriend.” He admits. “And there aren’t many.”

Done with his food he tilts his chin up and cocks his head to the side, a sweet smile replacing his usual sly one. “Still in a bad mood?” He asks dangerously, a twinkle in his eye. “Que puedo hacer para hacerte feliz?” He soothes in his deep accent.
[Image: giphy.gif?cid=4d1e4f29446f97062704dca892...=giphy.gif]
683 Posts
Ooc — Alyssa
He spoke of why he wanted to befriend the golden boy and it was a reasonable endeavor and made sense. She noticed his change in demeanor and Serem pondered on his question for a moment. It wasn't like there was much she could do. But she had a thought. "Perhaps I could interest you in round two?" She mused. "But I won't make it that easy you'd have to catch me."
”Common” "Spanish"
383 Posts
Ooc — Malia
Santi internally sighs when she doesn’t rip his throat out just because he asked her if she was in a bad mood. That’s always a dangerous question to ask a woman. Then he watches her as she offers a round two to their earlier duel.

A smirk begins creeping up over his maw. “Que lindo.” He comments. “A game of chase?” Face lightening up, determined to catch her.

Backing up from the bones and gore, he lowers his head and stalks around her. “Go ahead, cariña,” A theatrical pause as he eyes her down. “run.” His accent rolls out deeply.
[Image: giphy.gif?cid=4d1e4f29446f97062704dca892...=giphy.gif]
683 Posts
Ooc — Alyssa
Maybe to her advantage she knew the terrain better than the male and when he agreed to her little game she gave her sly smirk as she watched him back up from the corpse. "Catch me if you can!" And with that she headed towards the forest the both now called home. "no seas demasiado lento!" She yelled back.
”Common” "Spanish"