Verdigris Ravine grit
The Tribe
245 Posts
Ooc — ebony
Pack Activity 
optional pack chase! a small rival group of coyotes has come up to posture near the borders. they are outnumbered by the tribe but still defiant

@Sari @Kusuma @Koa @Chisa @Andanari @Brac @Gaara (NPCs assumed to be present)

flanked by his mate and daughters, zoug sounded the first volley of guttural shrieks back over the borderline.

the nature of coyotes was noisesome. this clan was small, three sun-runners of pale gold who clustered at the far western borders to send their war cries spiraling over the dunes.

with the victory against the wolf fresh in his mind, zoug's single eye watched in mindful ferocity as the leader of the gilded creatures detached itself from the main group.

they ran defiantly over the border, stopping in pure bravery to screech a retort.

candle was at his side. zoug shouted a charge and hurtled from the ledges of redstone, down onto the sandy ground where his teeth engaged at once.
italics: guttural shifts in tone (clan words)
The Tribe
27 Posts
Ooc — Vami
At five months old, there was little Gaara could offer in the ways of battle. Yet now that he was no longer confined to a den, the boy would shadow his father as far off as he were allowed before being corralled by his mother back into the safety of the borders. 

Today was no different, though smarts and a quick learner, Gaara knew best to keep at a safe distance. He growls and yowls, snapping and posturing, but the boy was all talk and no action. At least, for now.
The Tribe
82 Posts
Ooc — Vamikins
Ko'a watched from a red arch rise in the same manner her Tribekin did. The intruding coyote were noisy, as ever a coyote were. They did not find stealth to their fancy. They didn't slink in the night like a wolf. They announced their arrival and Ko'a too announced hers. 

When Zoug leapt into action, the huntress followed suit. She would have much rather them join Tribe, then fight against them, yet today it seemed fate held other plans.
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[Image: jackal_grass_dark_123286_2560x1440.jpg]
The Tribe
55 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Andi had no taste for violence, but when she was called. She answered. Built a little larger than her counterparts. She felt perhaps she owed them her allegiance and her battle ready body more. Even if it hurt. And it felt strange. 

She followed behind Zoug and the others. Aiming for places that they couldn't reach her. She had learned the hard way not to engage face on. It had been proven to her that you got hurt in battles.
The Tribe
245 Posts
Ooc — ebony
ko'a was with him. andanari and gaara flew at their heels.

the tribekin fell among the three sun-runners. his teeth flashed; he heard candle's snarl, swept to ensure that the coyote pups did not fall prey to hard teeth.

zoug drew blood and a wound was cut along his own shoulder. but back the interlopers fell, slowly, and he renewed his efforts.
The Tribe
27 Posts
Ooc — Vami
Ko'a joined them. Andi joined them. Gaara howls and growls. Soon, they are joined by their mother. Seeing his father and mother fight together to protect their lands, Gaara's tailed flagged straight up with pride and dominance. 

As the rival group is pushed back, Gaara follows prosuit, snapping and keeping with their group to drive them all the way out.
The Tribe
82 Posts
Ooc — Vamikins
For a time it was two adults and two children against three full grown coyote. Driving them out was hard worn and yet Candle joining their group turns the tides. Slowly but surely, the sun-runners were pushed back over the threshold of their claim. First wolves, now it was their own against them. The fight for good land and year round water source was a constant one.
Join The Tribe !
[Image: jackal_grass_dark_123286_2560x1440.jpg]
The Tribe
55 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Having tasted violence before Andi found no happiness in it. And she quickly sniffed at Gaara to make sure he was well. He had not been there. The wound between her shoulders smarted and she wanted to find a place to curl up again. 

But they had won. they had kept their home safe. She gave a soft sigh and closed her eyes. Fighting took it out o fyou. She felt the adrenaline leave her in a rush.
The Tribe
245 Posts
Ooc — ebony
their songs were loud and defiant.

zoug moved among them, checking for wounds and giving nudges of reassurance. they regrouped, sang once more, and then he led them home in triumphant lope.
italics: guttural shifts in tone (clan words)
The Tribe
27 Posts
Ooc — Vami
Gaara pushed his nose into the deep browns and red of Andi's coat, sniffing out for any injury yet found none. His attention swept to his father when he rounded them up. The young coyote finding great pride at his parent's side. He would learn to hunt and to fight as quickly as he would grow.