Northstar Vale You’re no good to me as a rumour, blank & timeless.
229 Posts
Ooc — b.
The ambar feels like the trek has been made in good time. Considering the group size, the time of year, and the route itself, they had maintained a decent clip. Between Mato and herself, they were able to guide their heading true, and when they reached the sanctity of the Vale, she feels an immediate relief settle over her. The destination itself is secure—they're here, it's real, and now it's on to the next step. Delight takes the lead on a howl to announce their presence, new and fledgling in these parts, but here nonetheless. That very notion marks a new beginning she had not fully realized they needed until just days ago.

Although she is feeling fatigued, there is an undeniable energy about the song thrown to the winds alongside the pack. She enjoys it for all its worth, and sings proudly a melody of their new home.
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RE: You’re no good to me as a rumour, blank & timeless. - by Jomyo - March 04, 2018, 03:01 AM