Swiftcurrent Creek out of his heart will flow rivers of living water
Tell me something that i'll forget
124 Posts
Ooc —
The stranger appeared confused at Soltero's words, and the beta's chest thrummed in uncertainty - had he said something dumb? He found speaking mildly difficult, and understanding what someone was trying to say could often be tricky; with any hope, he'd not messed up already. Should he call for Constantine?

Resisting the urge to cough awkwardly, the smoky man gave a short nod and forced himself to continue. "Ah... understood." At least, uh... probably? His ears twitched as he listened to the oncoming explanations and talk of being a messenger, and as he soaked in the words, he corrected himself back into normality and took a silent deep breath, masked by the rush of frigid air. "...I cannot make the final decision, but I see no reason to send you away, as long as you're willing to work. If the alpha agrees, you can stay here." With that, Soltero tipped back his muzzle and howled for @Constantine, hoping for a swift arrival so that the regal could take charge. He'd have a better idea of what to do, and the beta was eager to gain tips by observing.
I tried to write your name in the rain
But the rain never came
Messages In This Thread
RE: out of his heart will flow rivers of living water - by Soltero - January 18, 2019, 11:24 AM