Haunted Wood Never Ending Roads
1 Posts
Ooc — Taske
All Welcome 
Rhu trotted forward, shivering as the wind hit her face as she moved next to the river, her eyes looking forward toward the land she was entering. While she had passed though many lands and come across other wolves' territory, this was the first place where she was bombarded by other wolves scents. She could tell that this place was flush with not only other wolves but pray, just trotting next to the river she had scented many of rabbits and deer, not that she was much good at hunting either, not with her incomplete training. Sadness made her skip a step before pushing on. She could not start to think about that day almost a year ago. No, she must keep moving forward, because only forward could she continue to function without braking down. 

So she moved on, the river stretching in front of her, very much like an analogy of her own life, a never ending path with no way to know where it ends. She was sure there was an end, but not now nor in the near future.  But she could not turn around and go back, she could only put on paw in front of the other and push on. And on she went, trotting into the unknown, and hoping to maybe be able to find a place for herself if not here, then maybe over the next mile, and if not, then the next. 

ooc: Im terrible with intro posts =P
201 Posts
Ooc — talamasca
the woman stood among the trees with her leg raised arrogantly, and a stream of urine coating the leaf-litter, spoiling the ice and snow a sour yellow. when this was finished she kicked back her heels and dragged her palms in the dirt, letting claws mark the soil. any who came across her scent would know to be wary.

she moved on from there to another copse of trees. this one she rubbed with a shoulder, netting dark hairs upon the bark. a few feet later, she came across a scent that was intriguing and so she dipped low and rubbed her chest upon it, to gather it.

it was at this point - as she shook out her coat again - she heard the sounds of pawsteps and became alert to her surroundings.