Ravensblood Forest Sentinel
93 Posts
Ooc — Trigedakru
All Welcome 
This place had been his home, once. He recalled patrolling it’s borders frequently, doing his duty as a guardian for the pack. His family. Sacrarium, they’d been called, his mother’s word — Sanctuary. They had been one, for a short while, but a day came and they all just… scattered, lost to the winds. Why? There had been word of another pack, another wolf, family of his mother’s. Had they been a threat? Vale did not know; his mother had always been careful with her words. Huffing softly to himself, Vale shook his coat out and padded quietly into the thick trees. Would he find anyone here? A winter storm had separated the pack, kept Vale from his parents, his sisters… but the storm was over a year past now. He knew of only one home to go to… even almost two years past, now. With a low growl, Vale called into the trees, singing a song for his lost people.
Physical Health (100/100)

Vale is healthy.

Mental Health (60/100)

Vale is struggling mentally.
156 Posts
Ooc — Bees
ai'd advise against, sequoia-man! the bard called from the open plain with a laugh, his kill of gull dropped to the ground at the fist notes of the mournful song. the large stranger had not yet gone fully into the trees.

melodies ouf such saedness, they arouse ghost, yeau know!
[Image: MOP6.png]
93 Posts
Ooc — Trigedakru
So focused on what had once been his home, Vale did not notice the strange canine creature that approached until he heard his voice. And an odd voice it was; Vale's ears pricked as he struggled slightly to make out the words. "I... I used to live here," he answered uncertainly. "But my family was alive, they weren't ghosts..." And yet it had been over a year since he'd seen them last. For all he knew, his family could be dead.

Looking from the trees to the stranger, Vale asked, "What are you?"
Physical Health (100/100)

Vale is healthy.

Mental Health (60/100)

Vale is struggling mentally.
156 Posts
Ooc — Bees
oh? were his ears not so weighted down, they might've perked! slavuj angled his head so the cords might fall in a way that better revealed the stranger, looking him over for some familiar feature or other.

..hm? oh! he tilted his head back, expression hidden but for his open smile. ai aem cousin tchu wolf, believe or nout! dough, bat ai dont thchink yeau seen one laik mi, hm?

the komodor took the gull into his mouth, and then came nearer with an awkward gait, navigating not only around his own coat but also the unwieldy bird.

he dropped the bird, and looked again at the young man, now with a more surveying look. were this a nephew or child to the enchanting wood nymph?

...ai've alwaeys won'rer'd, what happened thchu dem? wols's ouf dese forest?
[Image: MOP6.png]