Profile of Saraphine: Quick Facts
Played By: Jessica
Basic Info
Full Name: "Speaker" ; Saraphine of the Fire-Spirits
Subspecies: Eastern Timber Wolf
Sex: Female
Age: 2.5 years (September 16)
Birthplace: Northeastern US
At a Glance
Where does the flame come from? Her flickering tail, or her golden, fiery eyes that can captivate in less than an instant?

[Image: fire-w.gif]
Profile of Saraphine: Details

Artwork by Nightshade(me)
Saraphine is quite an elegant character, her grey fur shining silver in moonlight while her red overcoat burns like a firebrand in the sun. She has two strips running down each eye and a strip of grey on the bridge of her nose. Speaker's flame-gold eyes are quite expressive and flashes like fire in intense situations. Her right side is decorated in purple paint usually, derived from wild blueberries, blackberries, or even nightshade berries. The paints represent her title of speaker, the two rings signifying her "bond with the dead".

She is small, weighing in at only 53 pounds, but is exceedingly fast and agile, the build of an outrider. Her features are pointed and elfish, giving her an almost "forest spirit" look.

Saraphine of the Fire Spirits goes by the name "Speaker" to those she does not trust, as it is her belief that true names hold power, and are only allowed to be given to each other when she believes its ready to reveal her undying loyalty to the wolf she has chosen to reveal such a deep secret to. In the Pack of the Northern Path, she was the heir to the title Speaker for the Dead, otherwise known as Speaker. Speakers are much like Chroniclers, telling stories and recording the history of the pack, but they also do much more, such as the Speaking, a special type of ceremony to Saraphine in which she takes several days to research and truly communicate with the Dead's living relatives before Speaking, to which she believes is a sacred act that holds the true intentions and beliefs of the Dead's Spirit. When confronted with death, Saraphine is quick to explain the role of the Speaker in hopes to spread her old pack's culture and make others understand how important the Speaking ceremony was in death.

Speaker can be considered a passionate and fiery creature, her code of honor being that of the Neutral Good alignment. When in a lighthearted mood, she can be seen almost as childish and ergetic as a pup, enjoying life's simple pleasures such as merely running around, prancing through grass and chasing birds. During these moments a few ebullient pranks and jokes are not beneath her. though they are never cruel spirited. However, this youthful nature is not one of ignorance, as even the blunt brutality of pure honesty of her nature knows when it's time to get serious. During these times she can be considered stoic and level-headed, willing to hear all sides of an argument or all tactics of a plan. A she-wolf well-rounded in the sense of having both the optimism of a pup but the wisdom of an elder. She is hard to fool, but easy to gain as an ally.

Speaker has fluent knowledge in plant studies. In the Tribe of the Northern Path, Speakers were often required to know plant knowledge - poisons, healing remedies, and others - so that they wouldn't accidentally harm themselves when grinding down certain flora to make paints for their fur, which were decorated with two rings around the right foreleg, a paw-print on the right shoulder and three dots around the right eye, all in the wolf's chosen color.
The Tribe of the Northern Path. That's what they would call themselves. It had an ancient history dating back many, many generations even before the humans had come to take away the land in their weird square dens. Even so, the Tribe of the Northern Path had remain strong and full of life as the weaker packs disintegrated against the trials of time. Saraphine was meant to be a large stepping stone into Northern Path, her name an exotic one among the tongue of her brethren, brought by her outsider mother who spoke a little language known as French, and her name, as small adjustment of the more common counterpart, Seraphina, had meant "burning one", a fitting tribute to her grandfather's great legacy.

Shappa of the Fire Spirits had born a title for his once title-less family lineage. In his pack's time of great need, he had led their weary and ailing through the smoky forests that were bright with tongues of red flame, saving the old tribe from ultimate extinction. The wolf was considered a hero of the tribe, and was given an exalted position of "Speaker for the Dead", a unique rank among the Tribe of the Northern Path. Speakers for the Dead were Chroniclers of sorts; storytellers, but their roots dug much deeper than that. Speakers were required to find out the truth of the life of a dead packmate, spending several days meditating, researching, and investigating family and friends closest to them. It is said on the day of the Speaking, the words of the Speaker were powerful and sacred, revealing the true spirit, whether good or evil, to the tribe. Speakers were often intelligent and patient, fitting pieces of broken information to read the full Story of the Dead in an outward charismatic tone. Speakers were by far the closest one could get to Chief among the tribe. Because of Shappa's great deed, Seraphine of the Fire Spirits had been named.

Saraphine's original safe name- a name used to hide to sacredness of a true name- had been "Flaming Songbird", due to her flame-colored coat and soothing voice, which held utmost elegance of a beautiful singer. She had been the most expected out of her littermates to take the position of Speaker. Being intelligent and pretty, she was quite a gem among the wolves of Northern Path. Alas it was this beauty that had led to the entire pack's downfall.

The Pack of Stonepeak had always been a rival to the nomadic Tribe of the Northern Path every time they ventured into the southern areas of their journey of following food sources. However the packs never grew into much conflict other than during the winter seasons. It was during Saraphine's second summer that she had gone on a hunting trip with fellow packmates only to run into hunters of Stonepeak. Among these hunters had been a wolf by the name of Lothario, the heir to the alpha title of Stonepeak, and had taken a liking to Saraphine. However the rivalry between the packs and the independence in Saraphine's nature had caused great strife between the two groups of wolves. Soon all out war had broke loose, driven by the greed of Lothario for a trophy mate, no matter how it was received.

The last battle of the packs would be forever known to Saraphine as The Great Disaster. Stonepeak had taken advantage of the landscape and had cornered the entirety of the Tribe of the Northern Path into a small valley. Stonepeak showed no mercy in the bloodbath to follow. Through quick wit and sacrifice, Saraphine alone escaped, keeping her promise to her father to change her name "Flaming Songbird" to "Speaker" in honor of the pack's lineage. Saraphine ran away from her troubled past, the frightful echoing of Lothario's voice etched into her mind: I will find you, my Little Songbird...
  • Mother - "Kind Outsider": Deceased
  • Father- "Burning Embers": Deceased
  • Brother- "Bright Sun": Deceased
  • Brother- "Red River": Deceased

  • ENEMY- Lothario: Unknown
Pack History
  • Apprentice(Speaker for the Dead) - 9/16/2012 - 6/1/2015

Lone Wolf
  • 6/1/2015-present
Profile of Saraphine: Additional Information
Registered on May 15, 2015, last visited August 16, 2015, 04:47 PM
Lothario is up for grabs as a character, if you so wish to play him, please contact me first!
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