Profile of Jackal: Quick Facts
Played By: Chuuya
Basic Info
Full Name: Jackal
Subspecies: Mackenzie Valley Wolf
Sex: Male
Age: Five (2012)
Birthplace: Southern lands
Profile of Jackal: Details
Scent:: Ginger, Citrus, and Soil

A desecrated sacrosanct, a seraphim form deemed corrupted by esteemed sights, until his myriad black and ivory spectrum was cast from their threshold. Fortified frame strung by wire muscle and sojourner life, in stances of solidified, tainted grace, and motions of fluid, divine corruption. He is the love affair of Ivory and Onyx. A beast of hyper-manic creation, eternal condition of blindness in one eye and the skipping traits of sacromonial genes perpetuate his spontaneity in character and physique.

His appearance is a reflection of the madness wrought and reigning within. Tendrils of fur bound together in spirals of nomadic history and elemental dust. Scars reign on dark flesh beneath, marking five years of defiance and travel. Despite corded muscle, bones of his masculine frame contrast sharp, giving impression of malnourished need. Angular features continue to define the display of his cheek bones under one cataract marred eye and the other a brilliant gold, grinning length of a sly maw, and tall, ever-seeking ears crowning his skull.

A deviant of nightfall, the full-moon infected; succulent desires of his heart drip down werewolf fangs. A monster lavished in hues of Dark Matter consumption. This earthen exotica of dark prowess spawns forth an inspiration, a collection dreaded into the flow of his tail, until it became a fortified construction of defense and obstruction. Dreaded tail bound with ivy across bone, streaming length hiding nine bird's skulls, and a knot of ginger root, spiralling end to the feather of a raven. A display of mental deconstruction; a ritual of earthen ambition. Wandering angelic beast, radiating the purity of Dionysian existence.
The World is Chaotically Converged by thus nose of a wolf and audits of the half blind gather environment in an over gorged collective sweep, wired to the mostly black space that consumed his vision. Taste-buds and stimulated kinetics inspire spectrum and spatial relation. By a pounding heart-beat, in a wholesome breath, comes the world through all pores, wave after shock wave. No one sense can he lean upon, and all vye for attention in attempt to do that which they cannot.

The burden of his Mind is too comprehend the stimulations

His Digestion Is Rationalized by thus
compulsive focus upon a subject or stimulation that offers most provisional information causes a further enhancement to turbulent sensories. Taste of skin becomes touch of flesh, touch becomes syphin of life-energy, scent becomes a path of history, and sound produces an aura. With an obsessive ambition for proficiency, Jackal gleans useful from intriguing, placing that which is fascinatingly distracting to the side while he dissects important offers before him. This directs his action, interaction, logics, and conceptions.

His Social Interactions are Inspired by thus designed to be social yet wholly unable to remain in society for long, he wanders endlessly looking for interactions. Perpetuated by his internal desire to convince those he meets to travel with him on various guides to uncover more about himself and the personalities he consumes, Jackal comes across as an intensely personal individual. Full attention devoted to dissecting everything you are with genuine desire. Information offered by his senses provides him with unusual insights, further reinforcing his hunger to consume all any are willing to share with him.

Heliotrope Bloodstone: Justice, Fortune, Circulation, Evolution, Assertion, Condition

Sun Sign: Ocean Trench : Intuitive operation of unstable nature and negative polarity. A secretive nebulousness of spiritual ambition, evasive hypersensitivity scattered through intuitive instinct, and artistic lust for the pleasures of simplistic beauties.

Moon Sign: Horned Skull : Ambition of material construction, insensitive securities wrapped across a blue soul. Moment scattered frames of contradictory actions, incomprehensible emotions, and vicious vision of cultivation.
Grasped by dastardly fangs, stolen from the care of comradre into a vicious land. Raised by the heart of a wild man, who found a mad intrigue with the pup's almost completely blind condition. Youth imprinted with the stealth of shadows, baptized in elements of root and soil. Whispered into his sleeping ears, the madman confessed stories of travel across dimensions and time. 'You call I: Phoyl. You call Self: Jackal.' Over and over for seven weeks, until Jackal felt he could not refrain his fangs any longer.

On his fifth birthday, the tainted wolf found himself alone.
Profile of Jackal: Additional Information
Registered on January 21, 2017, last visited August 26, 2017, 04:17 PM
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