Profile of Synin: Quick Facts
Played By: Not specified
Basic Info
Full Name: Sýnin af Rífaspira
Pronuncation: (/'suːnɪn/)
Meaning: Insight
Subspecies: Mixed
Sex: Male
Age: 1 year (December 21, 2018)
Birthplace: Rivenspire Peak
At a Glance
Profile of Synin: Details
hale and stalwart, synin is the epitome of a norseman. born on the winter solstice and cloaked in the shadows of niflheim. eye(s) are glacial blue of an icy sea. bears many scars mostly hidden by thick fur; notably on his shoulders and neck where magna oft perches ( and not always kindly to his flesh ). though his prize scar is the missing left eye; scratched out in a gruesome ritual to the allfather.
MAGNA: an albino raven companion, a vain creature with a magpie's eye; a collector of objects. she always seen in synin's presence, whether perched upon his shoulders, nested into his scruff fur, perched in a nearby tree or soaring overhead. she is able to be pp'd as such by thread partners.
a bastion what is characteristically viking. feral, as all warriors should be. young and ambitious; his passions burning yet hot within him. to those whom do not know him he is intimidating and enigmatic; as cold and harsh as the stone and ice he hails from.
speaks primarily old norse but is fluent in common, icelandic and inupiaq.

has a decidedly soft spot for magna which may or may not be observed
born to brökk and kelda . travels always with magna .
has unrecognized tartok lineage
Pack History
Profile of Synin: Additional Information
Registered on November 28, 2020, last visited December 27, 2020, 08:37 AM
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Synin's Signature
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